The ivory-billed woodpecker, if you
haven’t heard, is no longer extinct. In late spring, a group of 17 researchers
announced in the online version of Science that they had spotted at least one
member of this majestic species living in the cypress and tupelo swamps of
eastern Arkansas. Once found everywhere in Southern hardwood forests, the
ivory-billed woodpecker tumbled in population after the turn of the century, the
victim of avid collectors and logging. It had last been seen in 1944, reduced to
what Tim Gallagher, author of "The Grail Bird: Hot on the Trail of the
Ivory-Billed Woodpecker," calls "a symbol of everything that h A. The focus on the bird is an important yet missing characteristic, and without it even the successful discovery will seem hollow. B. It is not the bird but the human efforts that attract a lot of readers’ attention. C. The article argues that the book is with great content and great focus. D. Although the book is not stylish, readers still find interesting things in its characterization and extended history of the bird. [单项选择]通过非竞争性抑制肾上腺素β受体治疗心绞痛的药物是()
A. 洋地黄毒苷 B. 米力农 C. 卡托普利 D. 普萘洛尔 E. 氯沙坦 [单选题]核相工作应填用()。
A.A.配电第一种工作票 B.B.带电作业工作票 C.C.配电第二种工作票或操作票 D.D.高压试验工作票 [单项选择](1)记者在媒介中披露困难 (2)呼吁建立专项基金 (3)无力承担医疗费用 (4)捐款超过实际需要 (5)各界人士解囊相助
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[判断题]电工特种作业人员应当具备高中或相当于高中以上文化程度( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]进行变压器油耐压试验时,环境相对湿度不得大于( )%。
A.25 B.50 C.65 D.75 [简答题]二级制动的优点有哪些?
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A.制衡性原则 B.全覆盖原则 C.相匹配原则 D.审慎性原则 E.对冲性原则 [判断题]( )在线路允许速度V≤80km/h线路上,轨道质量指数管理值表中,三角坑标准为2.2~2.5mm。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]男患,49岁,左侧面颊部反复发作性剧烈性疼痛3.5年,每次持续数秒钟,触及左侧鼻唇时均可诱发疼痛,神经系统检查未发现异常。目前临床上止痛最有效药物()。
A. 卡马西平 B. 苯妥英钠 C. 泼尼松 D. 氯硝西泮 E. 索米痛片 [多选题]《中国铁路总公司应急管理部关于保障国家综合性消防救援队伍人员铁路出行优待的通知》规定,消防救援人员暂定为()。
A.实习消防救援人员 B.在职消防救援人员 C.退休消防救援人员 D.残疾消防救援人员 我来回答: 提交