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发布时间:2023-09-27 12:58:53


Text 2 Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments and science fair projects. Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists' Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing known poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology. At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In anothe
A. Science Teachers to Ban Testing Harmful to Animals.
B. Teachers' Policy Change in Experiment on Animals.
C. The New Policies of Banning Harmful Experiments to Animals.
D. The Importance of Prohibiting Harmful Experiments on Animals.

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Text 2 Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments and science fair projects. Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists' Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing known poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology. At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In anothe
A. maintain ecological balance.
B. please animal welfare groups.
C. get financial support from their sponsors.
D. protect necessary harmless experiments on animals.


Text 2
Under pressure from animal welfare groups, two national science teachers associations have adopted guidelines that ban classroom experiments harming animals. The National Association of Biology Teachers and the National Science Teachers Association hope to end animal abuse in elementary and secondary schools and, in turn, discourage students from mishandling animals in home experiments and science fair projects.
Animal welfare groups are apparently most concerned with high school students experimenting with animals in extracurricular projects. Barbara Orlans, President of the Scientists’ Center for Animal Welfare, said that students have been performing surgery at random, testing known poisonous substances, and running other pathology experiments on animals without even knowing normal physiology.
At one science fair, a student cut off the leg and tail of a lizard to demonstrate that only the tail can regenerate, she said. In another cas
A. maintain ecological balance.
B. please animal welfare groups.
C. get financial support from their sponsors.
D. protect necessary harmless experiments on animals.


Text 4 The world is undergoing tremendous changes. The rise of globalization, both an economic and cultural trend that has swept throughout the world, has forged new ground as we enter the 21st century. But are the effects of globalization always positive Some say no. Michael Tenet, head of the International Institute for Foreign Relations in Atlanta, is worried about current resentment throughout the world toward the rise of globalization. "Ever since the 1980s and the economic collapse of the Asian Tigers in the late 1990s, there has been a re-evaluation of the role of globalization as a force for good," he said. "Incomes in many countries has declined and the gap between the most rich and the most poor has been aggravated. Without further intervention by governments, we could see a tragedy expressed in an increased level of poverty throughout the Latin America and Asia." Yet George Frank, an influential economist who wo
A. firm support.
B. cautious approval.
C. serious worry.
D. strong repentance.


Text 3 After World War II the glorification of an ever-larger GNP formed the basis of a new materialism, which became a sacred obligation for all Japanese governments, businesses and trade unions. Anyone who mentioned the undesirable by-products of rapid economic growth was treated as a heretic. Consequently, everything possible was done to make conditions easy for the manufacturers. Few dared question the wisdom of discharging untreated waste into the nearest water body or untreated smoke into the atmosphere. This silence was maintained by union leaders as well as by most of the country's radicals; except for a few isolated voices, no one protested. An insistence on treatment of the various effluents would have necessitated expenditures on treatment equipment that in turn would have given rise to higher operating costs. Obviously, this would have meant higher prices for Japanese goods, and ultimately fewer sales and lower industrial grow
A. Japan was markedly influenced by the U. S. in education.
B. education in Japan was not so developed as that in the U. S..
C. Japanese educational institutions were much the same as those in the U. S..
D. the Japanese government concerned itself only about the economic gain.


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