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发布时间:2023-12-12 23:58:53

[单项选择]What does the author mean by stating "I could have had my eyes closed" (Para. 4, last sentence)
A. the third baseman would rather sleep than play the game
B. even if the third baseman had closed his eyes a moment ago, it would make no difference to the result
C. the third baseman is so good at baseball that he could finish the game with his eyes closed
D. the consequence was so bad he could not bear to see it

更多"What does the author mean by statin"的相关试题:

[单项选择]What does the author mean when stating that certain inventions made farming "capital-intensive rather than labor-intensive" (Line 7, Para. 3)
A. Workers had to be trained to operate the new machines.
B. Mechanized farming required more capital and fewer laborers.
C. The new inventions were not helpful for all farming activities.
D. Human labor could still accomplish as much work as the first machines.
[单项选择]what does the author mean by stating in line 7 that "this analogy is not far off the mark"
A. ( The definition is not precise
B. (The discussion lacks necessary information
C. (The differences are probably significant
D. ( The comparison is quite appropriate
[单项选择]What does the author mean by stating in line 17 that "economic development was on themerchants' side "
A. Merchants had a strong impact oneconomic expansion.
B. Economic forces allowed merchants toprosper.
C. Merchants had to work together toachieve economic independence
D. Specialty shops near large markets weremore likely to be economicallysuccessful.
[单项选择]What does the author mean by saying "I could have had my eyes closed"(Para. 4)
A. The third baseman would rather sleep than play the game.
B. The third baseman could achieve the success with his eyes closed.
C. It makes no difference to the result even if the third baseman closed his eyes.
D. The third baseman was so excited to see the good result.
[单项选择]What does" have lived a bit" mean __________.
A. To be older than others.
B. To travel to more countries.
C. To have abundant life experience.
D. To have longer training in interpreting.
[单项选择]What does the author mean by "Homicide could take a new form"
A. There is no need to use a gun in killing a person.
B. Criminals can kill whoever they want by a computer.
C. The computer can replace any weapons.
D. The function of a computer is just like a gun.
[单项选择]What does Susan have to do on Saturday morning
[单项选择]What does locating mean? ()
A. Paging of a mobile in more than one cell
B. Best cell selection
C. Changing of cell parameters
D. Roaming
E. Tuning
[单项选择]What does liquidity squeeze mean
[单项选择]What does one have to be if he wants to make himself creative according to the author
A. He should try to be as creative as possible.
B. He may set up a problem and then try to conceive all the possible solutions to it.
C. He should study all the techniques mentioned in the passage and try to use them.
D. He should play a different role from the one he plays now
[单项选择]What problems does sport have
A. Some women athletes are actually men.
B. Women or men do not run or swim in the same races.
C. It is difficult to check whether women athletes are really women.
D. Some women Athlete are given hormone injections.
[单项选择]What does the word infamous mean
A. not famous
B. well known for something bad
C. well known for something exciting
D. well known for something permanent


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