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发布时间:2024-07-08 18:04:11

[单项选择]If the information give in this passage is correct, when we look at a star at night ______.
A. we will notice that it is not moving
B. we cannot tell whether or not it still exists
C. it will be brighter than the moon
D. it is four years that the light we can see will reach us

更多"If the information give in this pas"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The author writes the passage to give the reader a kind of _____________.
A. argument
B. description
C. persuasion
D. information
[单项选择]According to the passage, we give school children difficult problems to solve in order to ________.
A. encourage them to learn
B. teach them to fear the pain of solving the problem
C. help them learn to deal with pain
D. teach them how to respect from the problem
[单项选择]The information in the passage suggests that advocates of the Headland Hypothesis discussed in the passage made which of the following errors
A. (A) Failing to recognize the reciprocal relationship between foraging practices and the availability of carbohydrate-rich species
B. (B) Attributing the trade relations between agriculturalists and foragers to the differences in the nutritional qualities of various rain forest food products
C. (C) Overemphasizing the importance of carbohydrate-rich species to the diet of rain forest foragers
D. (D) Interpreting changes in rain-forest composition to the willingness of agriculturalists to trade with foragers
E. (E) Failing to observe the role of seed-disbursal in the ecological success of the sago palm
[单项选择]According to the information of the passage, Quickwheel ______.
A. can be used to replace a flat tire
B. provides a kind of temporary support to the flat tire
C. is capable of moving as quickly as a wheel
D. is as flexible and durable as an ordinary wheel
[单项选择]The information in the passage suggests that the author is most likely______.
[单项选择]From the information in the passage, an important reason for the decision of the United States to build a canal was to ______ .
A. develop trade relations with Europe
B. improve relation with South American countries
C. stop European ships reaching the Pacific Ocean
D. build a canal through Panama would be a better choice
[单项选择]The information provided in this passage may help us____.
A. make better use of the library as a useful service institution
B. pay more attention to up-to-date news provided in libraries
C. better understand librarians and appreciate their hard work
D. save more time for entertainment in library activities
[单项选择]According to the passage, children tend to give more logical, complete and creative answers if adults ________.
A. encourage them to ask questions of their own
B. urge them to think and give immediate answers
C. give them more than three seconds to think after a question
D. give them time to have a fierce discussion
[单项选择]The passage provides information that would answer which of the following questions
[单项选择]The passage provides information for answering all of the following questions except ______.
A. Do identical twins have the same handedness
B. Is language conducive to survival
C. Is the "gene-culture coevolution" model reliable
D. Why are some people left-handed
[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering which all of the following questions
A. (A) Which neighboring regions of the brain are afflicted by the cross-wiring that gives rises to synesthesia
B. (B) In which situations does synesthesia positively or negatively affect learning abilities
C. (C) What are the possible applications of the results of research on synesthesia in developing new models of the brain
D. (D) How do synesthetes distinguish between synesthetic and non-synesthetic experiences
E. (E) What specific parts of the brain anatomy are considered responsible for number and color processing
[单项选择]The passage supplies information for answering all of the following questions EXCEPT
[单项选择]The passage supplies information that would answer which of the following questions
A. What federal agencies have set percentage goals for the use of minority-owned businesses in public works contracts
B. To which government agencies must businesses awarded federal contracts report their efforts to find minority subcontractors
C. What is one set of conditions under which a small business might find itself financially o- ver-extended
D. How many more minority-owned businesses were there in 1977 than in 1972


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