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发布时间:2023-10-02 13:42:56

[单项选择]It is difficult to ________ the sample that is on the slide unless the microscope is adjusted properly.
A. overlook
B. discern
C. disclaim
D. distract

更多"It is difficult to ________ the sam"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is difficult to discern the sample that is on the slide unless the microscope is adjusted.
A. discard
B. arrange
C. determine
D. disagreement
[单项选择]Sample是一个类,执行下面语句后,调用Sample类的构造函数的次数是   Sample a[2], *p = new Sample;
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
[单项选择]Sample是一个类,执行下面语句后,调用Sample类的构造函数的次数是 Sample a[2],*p=new Sample;
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
[单项选择]Sample是一个类,执行下列语句后,调用Sample类的构造函数的次数是Sample a[2],*P=Flew Sample;
A. 0
B. 1
C. 2
D. 3
[单项选择]Which is more difficult
[单项选择]Why is transition difficult
A. Because transition requires money and time.
B. Because many manufacturers are unwilling to change their equipment.
C. Because research on new materials is very difficult.
D. Because it takes long time.
[单项选择]有如下类声明:class SAMPLE{ int n; public: SAMPLE(int i=0):n(i){} void setValue(int n(0);};下列关于getValue 成员函数的实现中,正确的是( )。
A. SAMPLE:: setValue(int n0){ n=n0; )
B. void SAMPLE:: setValue(int n0){ n=n0;}
C. void setValue (int n0){ n=n0;}
D. setValue(int n0){ n=n0;}
[单项选择]在下面的类定义中,错误的语句是 class Sample { public: Sample(int val); //① ~Sample( ): //② private: int a=2.5; //⑧ Sample( ); //④ };
A. ①②③④
B. ②
C. ⑧
D. ①②③
[单项选择]有如下类定义: class Sample { public; Sample(int x):ref(x){} //① private: Sample( ):ref(0){) //② static int va1=5; //③ const int ref; //④ }; 上述程序段中,错误的语句是( )。
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③
D. ④
[单项选择]Why is transition so difficult
A. Because transition requires money and time.
B. Because many manufacturers are unwilling to change their equipment.
C. Because research on new materials is very difficult.
D. Because it takes 10 years.
[单项选择]已知类 Sample中的一个成员函数说明如下:
void Set (Sample &a);
其中,Sample&a的含意是( )。
A. 指向类Sample 的指针为a
B. 将a的地址值赋给变量Set
C. a是类Smple的对象引用,用来作函数Set() 形参
D. 变量Sample与a按位相与作为函数Set()的参数
[单项选择]已知类 Sample中的一个成员函数说明如下: void Set (Sample &a); 其中,Sample&a的含意是( )。
A. 指向类Sample 的指针为a
B. 将a的地址值赋给变量Set
C. a是类Smple的对象引用,用来作函数Set() 形参
D. 变量Sample与a按位相与作为函数Set()的参数
[单项选择]已知一个类Sample,( )是定义指向类Sample成员函数的指针,假设类有三个公有成员:voidfl(int),void f2(int)和int a。
A. Sample*p
B. Int Samale::*pc=&Sample::a
C. Void (Sample::*P ()
D. Sample *P[10]
[单项选择]Segregation made it difficult for black Americans to become ______ into the larger middle class culture and its values.
A. anticipated
B. indulged
C. transmitted
D. assimilated
[单项选择]Because the Appalachian Mountains were difficult to cross, Kentucky was not settled _________ eastern coastal area was.
A. otherwise
B. instead
C. until after
D. in spite of
[单项选择]Now the situation becomes slightly more difficult for the new university students because _________.
A. the sum of knowledge is getting larger and larger
B. they want to get ahead of the old ones
C. they want to master more knowledge than their teachers
D. what their masters explain is too difficult for them
[单项选择]The language barrier made communication difficult, but finally, part of my message ______.
A. passed away
B. went over
C. came up
D. got through


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