Beijing’s sky watchers will see with
their own eyes a bright com- et (彗星) all night long. Comet e/1996 b2(Hyakutake)
was first observed by Hyakutake, a Japanese amateur (业余的) astronomer (天文学家) , on January 30, 1996. It can be seen with the naked eyes (肉眼) over China, Europe and other northern areas at night through the last week of March and first ten days of April. On march 25, it was closed to the earth and the sun. What is more exciting is that there will be two more rare events in the sky, it is predicted (预言) that another comet, HaleBopp, found on July 23, 1995, by Americans Alan Hale and Thomas Bopp, is expected to pass over the northern part of Heilongjiang province in March 1997. The comet, estimated to be 10×15 kilometres in size, will not return for 3 000 years. What is even more rare is that a total solar eclip A. they expect to see with their naked eyes the comet found by Hyakutake B. they will see a comet through a telescope for the first time C. they have observed a comet by themselves D. they expect to see the comet found by a Japanese amateur astronomer through a telescope [判断题]09-32型捣固车是连续式走行捣固车( )。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]CR400AF动车组受电弓位于( )车。
A.3、6 B.4、6 C.2、7 D.4、5 [单选题]油泵的吸油高度比水泵小得多的原因主要是( )
A.油泵的结构使其吸力比水泵小 B.油液比重比水大得多 C.油液比水更易于汽化而产生汽蚀 [判断题] 粪便潜血检查常用的检验方法有联苯胺法和邻联甲苯胺法。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]被检查单位的负责人拒绝在书面检查记录上签字的,检查人员应当将情况记录在案,并向负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门报告。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Psychologist George Spilich and colleagues at Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland, decided to find out Whether, as many smokers say, smoking helps them to "think and concentrate." Spilich put young non-smokers, active smokers and smokers deprived (被剥夺) of cigarettes through a series of tests.
In the first test, each subject (试验对象) sat before a computer screen and pressed a key as soon as he or she recognized a target letter among a grouping of 96. In this simple test, smokers, deprived smokers and nonsmokers performed equally well. The next test was more complex, requiring all to scan sequences of 20 identical letters and respond the instant one of the letters was transformed into a different one. Non-smokers were faster, but under the stimulation of nicotine (尼古丁), active smokers were faster than deprived smokers. In the third test of short-term memory, non-smokers made the fewest errors, but deprived smokers committed fewer errors than active smokers. The A. A.5) most probably means ______. beatB. enviedC. caught up withD. made the best of [单选题]二级场地的条件不包括( )。
A.对建筑抗震危险的地段 B.不良地质作用一般发育 C.地质环境已经或可能受到一般破坏 D.地形地貌较复杂 [简答题]什么是投影的积聚性
[单选题]下列哪种危险化学品可以引起男性生殖器官疼痛和萎缩( )。
A.氯气 B.氮气 C.氨气 D.乙炔 [判断题]节流管汇节流阀的阀位开度3/8~1/2。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [简答题]污染物对不同时期的胚胎发育的生物学效应?
[单选题]超声雾化吸入时,超声雾化器水槽中所加液体为( )
A.冷生理盐水 B.5%葡萄糖盐水 C.冷蒸馏水 D.开水 E.平衡液 [判断题]计算机中,汉字是由两个标准ASCII码组合表示的。
A. 系统内通存通兑跨网点办理代办存款,但无法提供被代办人身份证件的存款业务。 B. 系统内无卡、无折存款业务,但客户由他人代理办理大额存款又无法提供被代理人身份证件。 C. 跨系统通存通兑业务。 D. 客户通过在的账户办理的汇款业务。 [多项选择]丁某因一次沉船事故下落不明,后被法院宣告死亡。此后,有人意外发现丁某依然生存。经其利害关系人申请,法院作出新判决,撤销原判。请问:在下列哪些情况下,丁某因宣告死亡而消灭的婚姻关系不能自行恢复
A. 配偶再婚 B. 原配偶再婚又离婚 C. 原配偶再婚后其配偶病故 D. 原配偶虽未再婚,但拒绝恢复婚姻关系 [单选题]“退行信号”的机车鸣示方式是( )。
A.二长声 B.三长声 C.一长一短声 D.一长声 [单项选择] Questions 5 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15. seconds to answer the questions.
Now, listen to the conversation. People are more likely to make a purchase ______. A. when they have very little time in a drugstore B. when they have very little time in a department store C. when they have a lot of time in a drugstore D. when they have a lot of time in a department store [单项选择]特种设备使用单位应当按照安全技术规范的定期检验要求,在安全检验合格有效期届满前()向特种设备检验检测机构提出定期检验要求。
A. 1个月 B. 2个月 C. 3个月 [单选题]1作业中出现危险征兆时,作业人员应()。
A.立即向作业队长汇报,原地待命 B.立即停止作业、从安全通道撤离至安全区域,及时向现场负责人汇报 C.继续作业,等待技术人员判断危险程度 D.继续作业,等待主管领导下达命令 [多项选择]在民事诉讼中,属于专属管辖的案件有( )。
A. 因不服劳动争议仲裁提起的诉讼 B. 因不动产纠纷提起的诉讼 C. 因继承遗产提起的诉讼 D. 因侵权行为提起的诉讼 E. 因票据纠纷提起的诉讼 [多选题]生产经营单位需要建立劳动者职业健康档案,劳动者职业健康档案包括的内容有( )。
A.劳动者的职业史 B.职业危害接触史 C.职业健康检查结果 D.职业病诊疗 E.劳动者的家族遗传病史 [单项选择]患者男,70岁,因“呛咳、痰中带血1个月余”来诊。患者吸烟史30余年。超声:肺组织局部呈楔形低回声,其尖端可见结节样更低回声,边界清晰。最可能的诊断是下列哪一个选项()。
A. 肺结核 B. 支气管肺癌 C. 肺错构瘤 D. 肺转移瘤 E. 胸膜间皮瘤 [判断题]35kV变电所所址选择标高宜在50年一遇高水位之上,否则,所区应有可靠的防洪措施或与地区(工业企业)的防洪标准相一致,但仍应高于内涝水位。( )
[单选题]在对借款申请人提交的借款申请书及申请材料进行初审时,贷款受理人应主要审查借款申请人的主体资格及借款申请人所提交材料的( )。
A.真实性与完整性 B.真实性与规范性 C.完整性与规范性 D.完整性与合理性 [单项选择]水泥进场时应对其进行检查,检查应按同一生产厂家、同一等级、同一品种、同一批次一定数量至少取样一次,其中同一批次最大数量正确的是( )
A. 袋装不超过100t为一批,散装不超过500t为一批 B. 袋装不超过200t为一批,散装不超过300t为一批 C. 袋装不超过200t为一批,散装不超过500t为一批D.袋装不超过100t为一批,散装不超过300t为一批 我来回答: 提交