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发布时间:2023-10-11 15:42:36

[单项选择]It is possible to find out if a person has adapted to the changes of routine by measuring his body temperature because ______.
A. body temperature changes when the cycle of sleep and wakefulness alternates
B. body temperature changes when he changes to night shift or work
C. the temperature reverses when the routine is changed
D. people have highest temperature when they are working efficiently

更多"It is possible to find out if a per"的相关试题:

[单项选择]It is possible to find out if a person has adapted to the changes of routine by measuring his body temperature because______.
A. body temperature changes when the cycle of sleep and wakefulness alternates
B. body temperature changes when he changes to night shift or back
C. the temperature reverses when the routine is changed
D. people have higher temperatures when they are working efficiently
[单项选择]We ale disappointed to find out that he has made a fatal mistake.
A. crucial
B. foolish
C. stupid
D. big
[单项选择]We are disappointed to find out that he has made a fatal mistake.
A. crucial
B. foolish
C. stupid
D. important
[单项选择]Why has it been difficult for people to find out more about dreams
A. Different people have different ideas about dreams.
B. Different dreams have different meanings.
C. People can only have their dreams studied when they are sleeping.
D. People only have dreams when they are sick.
[单项选择]It is difficult find out computer criminals because______.
[单项选择]The team of doctors wanted to find out
[单项选择]What can readers find out from this text
[单项选择]From this text, a reader can find out
[单项选择]How did King Herry find out about the plot
[单项选择]How did King Henry find out about the plot
[单项选择]How did the conspirators find out that Henry was in London
[单项选择]Why can the police help you to find out directions within a neighborhood
A. They can fax you a map of the neighborhood.
B. They often visit each house in the neighborhood.
C. They know the name of each street in the neighborhood.
D. They have a map of all the buildings in the neighborhood.
[单项选择]If teachers want to find out if their students wrote their own papers, ______.
[单项选择]Cutting up dead animals to find out about their organs and how these functioned was thought a disgusting thing to do,and to cut up a human body,even though dead,was thought to be evil.
A. 切碎死亡的动物来发现它们的器官和它们如何作用被认为是一件恶心的事情。而且,切碎人的身体,即使是死的,也被认为是一种邪恶。
B. 切碎动物尸体以发现它们的器官及其功能被视作是一件令人恶心的事情;而且切碎人的尸体也被认为是一种邪恶。
C. 解剖动物尸体,了解各动物器官及其功能,这在当时是件令人生厌的事情;而解剖人体,即使是死人,也是大逆不道。
D. 解剖动物尸体,了解各动物器官及其功能,这在当时是件令人生厌的事情;而且通过解剖动物尸体来学习如何解剖人体也是不道德的。


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