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发布时间:2024-01-19 21:52:26

[单项选择]Even if he himself ______ tomorrow, it ______ too late to do anything.
A. will come... is
B. should come... were
C. comes... will be
D. comes... would be

更多"Even if he himself ______ tomorrow,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]As he keeps himself to himself,he lives a lonely life.
A. 因为他把自己封闭起来,他过得很孤独。
B. 因为他不与人来往,他过得很寂寞。
C. 由于他自高自大,人们不与他来往。
D. 因为他把自己封锁起来,生活得很孤独。
[单项选择]He carried the parcel home himself, but he ______ so, the shop could have sent it.
[单项选择]He carried the parcel home himself, but he_______so, the shop could have sent it.
[单项选择]When he came to himself, he found himself ______ in bed.
A. lie
B. lay
C. laid
D. lying
[单项选择]Even when he is with others, he feels rather ______.
A. alone
B. single
C. lonely
D. unique
[单项选择]He could repair the car himself but he would rather his son ______ it.
A. do
B. to do
C. did
D. has done
[单项选择]Even though he had recently gained twenty pounds, Mike continued to ______ himself by eating five can dy bars every day.
A. diverge
B. endure
C. indulge
D. instruct
[单项选择]Even after he ______ as the most valuable employee, he could not gather enough courage to ask his boss for a raise.
A. will be named
B. had been named
C. is named
D. has been named
[单项选择]When a man steps into a room, even if he is not known, people make ten decisions about him, based on his ______.
A. character
B. appearance
C. personality
D. disposition
[单项选择]Even though he was guilty, the ______ judge did not send him to prison.
A. merciful
B. impartial
C. conscientious
D. conspicuous
[单项选择]Even if his letter ______ tomorrow, it ______ too late to do anything.
A. will arrive.., is
B. should arrive.., were
C. arrives.., will be
D. arrives.., would be
[单项选择]He is off to Paris again tomorrow. He tells me that, with this journey, he______ there and back twenty times.
A. will be
B. will have been
C. will go
D. will have gone
[单项选择]He can only blame himself for failing the exam. He ______ harder during the year, but he seemed to go out with a different gift every weekend.
A. would have worked
B. should have worked
C. must work
D. ought to work
[单项选择]______ a sales meeting in my company tomorrow evening.
A. There will be held
B. There is going to be
C. There be
D. There is going to
[单项选择]He always thought of himself as a VIP, but he actually held a ______ position in the company.
A. coordinate
B. subsidiary
C. auxiliary
D. subordinate


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