Every body gets sick. Disease and
injury make us suffer throughout our lives, until finally, some attack on the
body brings our existence to an end. Fortunately, most of us in modem
industrialized societies can take relatively good health for granted most of the
time. In fact, we tend to fully realize the importance of good health only when
we or those close to us become seriously ill. At such times we keenly appreciate
the ancient truth that health is our most precious asset, one for which we might
readily give up such rewards as power, wealth, or fame. Because iii health is universal problem, affecting the individual and society, the human response to sickness is always socially organized. No society leaves the responsibility for maintaining health and treating iii health entirely to the indivi A. make way for B. give power to C. write an order for D. make it possible for [单选题]下列机关中,无权提起审判监督程序的是( )。
A.最高人民检察院 B.上级人民检察院 C.同级人民检察院 D.最高人民法院 [判断题]轨检车检查轨向正负偏差规定:顺轨检车正向,轨向向左为正,向右为负。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]具有本地销赃的盗贼类型有( )
A.本地盗窃 B.流窜盗窃 C.内盗 [单项选择]如果对方当事人(),那么先履行合同的当事人不应中止合同履行。
A. 已部分履行合同 B. 转移财产 C. 决策失误 D. 恶意拒执行合同内容 [多选题]过失犯罪的特点是( )。
A.不是有意识的犯罪 B.有意识的犯罪 C.有无危害结果都要定罪 D.必须追究其刑事责任 E.客观上只有造成严重的危害结果才构成犯罪 [单选题]患者男性,49岁,高热,右上腹痛1周。体格检查:急性病容,可疑黄疸,右上腹压痛伴轻度肌卫,肝肿大。化验:白细胞数18×109/L,中性粒细胞0.95,B型超声波检查和放射性核素扫描发现肝有占位病变。 为预防脱水,除须控制入水量者,应保证高热患者每天至少摄入的液体量为
A. 500ml B. 1000ml C. 2000ml D. 3000ml E. 4000ml [多选题]手抬机动消防泵一般是由( )组成。
A.汽油机 B.双级离心泵 C.引水装置 D.手抬架 E.进(出)水部件 [单选题]开展群众性文体活动时,要做到队列集会有歌声、( )。
A.重大节日有晚会、每月体育有比赛 B.每月体育有比赛 C.周末假日有活动、重大节日有晚会、每月体育有比赛 D.周末假日有活动、每月体育有比赛 [单项选择]换证检验的载重线证书从换证检验完成之日起生效,其有效期从展期前证书到期之日算起,客船不超过()。
A. 2年 B. 3年 C. 4年 D. 5年 [单项选择] A customer requires their application to have high availability within a data center, and also the ability to recover at a data center located 600km away in the event of an outage. Which system software solution component supports the customer requirement?()
A. PowerHA SystemMirror Basic Edition B. PowerHA SystemMirror Express Edition C. PowerHA SystemMirror Standard Edition D. PowerHA SystemMirror Enterprise Edition [单项选择]鳃裂瘘管外瘘口位于()
A. 锁乳突肌后缘 B. 胸锁乳突肌前缘 C. 颈前正中 D. 颈后 E. 颌下 [多项选择]使用要素饮食应注意()
A. 无须严格执行无菌操作 B. 配制好的溶液存放于4℃以下的冰箱内保存 C. 长期使用者应补充维生素和矿物质 D. 应用期间应定期检查血糖、尿糖、电解质等指标 E. 已配制的要素饮食应24h用完 [单选题]依据《建筑地基基础检测规程》DGJ32/TJ142- 2012 中规定,土钉验收试验最大试验荷载应取轴向受拉承载力设计值 Nu 的( )倍
A.1.0- 1.2 B.1.2- 1.5 C.1.0- 1.5 D.1.5- 2.0 [单选题]所出产的瓷器有着“入窑一色、出窑万彩”的神奇“窑变”的瓷窑是( )。
A.官窑 B.汝窑 C.哥窑 D.钧窑 我来回答: 提交