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发布时间:2023-10-26 05:47:05

[单项选择]We are totally unable, after decades of experiment, to replicate ancient glazed pottery.
A. produce
B. manufacture
C. dramatize
D. duplicate

更多"We are totally unable, after decade"的相关试题:

[单项选择]We are totally unable, after decades of experiment, to replicate ancient glazed pottery.
A. produce
B. manufacture
C. dramatize
D. duplicate
[单项选择]After we read the story, we know that George was not ______.
[单项选择]After we moved into the new house, we bought a lot of ______.
A. pieces of furniture
B. furniture
C. furnitures
D. furniture pieces
[单项选择]After we made the improvement; there were only ______ as before.
A. one-tenth defective products as many
B. one-tenth as many defective products
C. defective products one-tenth as many
D. defective products as one-tenth many
[单项选择]After we reached the top of the mountain, there was no ______ fine scenery.
A. lack of
B. lack for
C. lack in
D. lack with
[单项选择]We were unable to reach a decision because we felt that the speaker had been ______ and had avoided answering many of our questions.
A. noncommital
B. practical
C. contentious
D. unprepared

Text 3 After decades of exile from US courts, the science of lie detection is gaining new acceptance. But the federal government wants to put a stop to it, and the US Supreme Court has now agreed to consider a request from the Department of Justice to bar the technology from military courts. Uncertainties surround the science of lie detection, which uses a device called polygraph. In 1991, President George Bush banned lie detector evidence in military courts. But that ban has since been overturned by the US Court of Military Appeals, which ruled that it restricts defendants’ rights to present evidence of their innocence. In the past two years, some federal courts have also ruled ’that polygraph evidence can be heard. This follows a decision by the Supreme Court in 1993 that gave federal judges more discretion to decide on the admissibility of evidence. A polygraph consists of monitors for pulse rate, sweating and breathing rate. The device is supposed to uncove
A. Federal Government
B. US Supreme Court
C. Department of Justice
D. Military Courts

[单项选择]______before we depart the day after tomorrow, we should have a wonderful dinner party.
A. Had they arrived
B. Would they arrive
C. Were they arriving
D. Were they to arrive
[单项选择]I regret ______ you that we are unable to offer you a job.
A. informing
B. having informed
C. to inform
D. inform


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