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发布时间:2024-01-26 22:26:28

[单项选择]——That car must have cost a lot of money.——Oh, no, ______.

更多"——That car must have cost a lot of "的相关试题:

[单项选择]“That latest car must have cost you a pretty penny.” “Oh, no, ______ .”
A. it didn’t
B. it mustn’t
C. it hasn’t
D. it must haven’t
[单项选择]You must have seen a lot of interesting movies, ______
[单项选择]The new fruit drinks cost a lot of money to ______ .
[单项选择]Automobiles must have certain safety devices such as seat belts and good brakes.
A. 汽车应有一定的安全性, 要有安全带和好的刹车。
B. 汽车有了安全带和好的刹车就是安全的。
C. 汽车应有安全装置, 比如安全带和好的刹车。
D. 汽车必须有安全带和好的刹车这两个安全装置。
[单项选择]An ambulance must have priority as it usually has to deal with some kind of ________.
A. urgency
B. danger
C. emergency
D. crisis
[单项选择]According to the author, children must have necessary adult skills. That is, they must ______.
A. learn their skills from adults
B. try to develop their abilities to understand others and express themselves
C. behave themselves like adults
D. learn literature from adults
[单项选择]I must have browsed through hundreds of guides but I've no _________ where to go for this year's holiday.
A. concept
B. remark
C. idea
D. thought
[单项选择]Everyone must have liked the cake because there wasn't even a ______left.
A. crutch
B. chip
C. chop
D. clip
[单项选择]Tom must have practiced swimming with his father last Sunday, ______ he
[单项选择]The ancient athletes must have felt honored when they ()
A. completed in a 200-meter race
B. wrestled with each other
C. read the accounts of the games
D. received the treatment of free dinners
[单项选择]Look, what you have done! You ______ must have been move careful.
A. must
B. might
C. should
D. would
[单项选择]One must have studied hard before one could make great progress in one's study.()
A. 在学习中取得大的进步之前只有刻苦学习。
B. 不下苦工夫是不能在学习上取得大的进步的。
C. 谁肯下苦工夫,谁就能在学习上取得大的进步。
D. 必须勤学苦练,才能在学习上取得大的进步。
[单项选择]In international banking today, a bank must have a deep ______ into international financial markets.
A. idea
B. understanding
C. knowledge
D. insight
[单项选择]He must have been very depressed when he heard the news, ______
[单项选择]It is laid out that candidates must have normal hearing and colour ______.
A. outlook
B. vision
C. horizon
D. perspective
[单项选择]You must have the experience that you find your voice _________ on the telephone.
A. distorted
B. irregular
C. twisted
D. deformed
[单项选择]We must have an adequate knowledge of culture so as to interpret how people from another country behave and speak.
A. 掌握足够的文化背景知识有助于我们理解不同国家的人的言语行为。
B. 掌握足够的文化背景知识的目的是理解不同国家的人的言语行为。
C. 我们必须掌握足够的关于文化的知识,这样才能理解他们的言语行为。
D. 我们必须掌握足够的文化背景知识,这样才能翻译各国不同的语言文字。


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