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发布时间:2024-03-23 06:36:36

[单项选择]. The orbit of a celestial body is usually in the shape of ellipse. A B C D

更多". The orbit of a celestial body is "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The greatest celestial observatory of Neolithic times, stonehenge, is (a work) of (such) (Magnitude as it) absorbed the energies of (prehistoric Britons) for three hundred years.
A. a work
B. such
C. Magnitude as it
D. prehistoric Britons
[单项选择]A supermarket usually has
A. lots of rooms for shoppers to sit in.
B. lots of rest rooms for shoppers to use.
C. ample space for shoppers to move round.
D. lots of rooms where new varieties of goods are on display.
[单项选择]According to the passage the low-Earth orbit is ______.
A. the destination for most commercial payloads
B. a few hundred kilometers above the earth
C. about 36,000 kilometers away above the earth
D. a few hundred kilometers above the stationary orbit
[单项选择]Edmund Halley figured out the orbit of ______.
A. some different comets appearing several times
B. the same comet appearing at different time
C. three different comets appearing three times
D. several comets appearing at the same time
[单项选择]How does labor usually behave
A. labor would stipulate for money-wages.
B. labor would violently resist a reduction of real wages.
C. labor would strenuously resist a reduction of both money-wages and real wages.
D. labor would stipulate for real wages.
[单项选择]Universities usually give diplomas or certificates to students who complete course requi-rements {{U}}adequately{{/U}}.
A. responsibly
B. sufficiently
C. patiently
D. successfully
[单项选择]Anthropologists usually study simple, unindustrialized societies because the number of ______ is limited.
A. vehicles
B. variables
C. varieties
D. systems
[单项选择]Play is usually more enjoyable than
A. a job
B. job
C. a work
D. work
[判断题]Planned conversations usually degenerate into silence or involve only a small number of students.()
[单项选择]Hamburger places usually play fast background music because ______.

A. they think that will make the attendants work faster
B. they believe fast music can make people eat more
C. it shortens eating time to allow more customers coming and going
D. hamburgers will become more popular
[单项选择]A scientist usually directs his attention towards problems which he notices have no satisfactory explanation, and his curiosity makes him look for______ relationship even if the data available seem to be unconnected.
A. underlining
B. underneath
C. undergoing
D. underlying
[单项选择]America university students are usually under pressure of work because _______.

A. their academic performance will affect their future careers
B. they are heavily involved in student affairs
C. they have to observe university discipline
D. they want to run for positions of authority
[单项选择]American university students are usually under pressure because their academic performance will affect their future careers.
A. 美国大学生通常压力较大。因为他们的学业成绩将会影响到未来的事业。
B. 大学里的美国学生通常压力较大,因为他们在学术上的表现对未来的事业会有影响。
C. 大学里的美国学生通常都会因为其学术表现影响到了未来的事业而倍感压力。
D. 美国大学生通常课业负担较重,因为他们的学业成绩对未来的职业生涯会有影响。


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