The drama critic, on the other hand,
has no such advantage. He cannot be selective; he must cover everything that is
offered for public scrutiny in the principal playhouses of the city where he
works. The column space that seemed, yesterday, so pitifully inadequate to
contain his comments on Long Day’s Journey Into Night is roughly the same as
that which yawns today for his verdict on the latest scrap of milk-fed Kitsch
that has chanced to find for itself a numbskull hacker with a hundred thousand
dollars to lose. This state of affairs may help to explain why the New York
theater reviewers are so often, and so unjustly, stigmatized as baleful and
destructive fiends. They spend most of their professional lives attempting
to pronounce intelligent judgments on plays that have no aspiration to
intelligence. It is hardly surprising that they lash out occasionally A. comment on the poor quality of our plays B. show why book reviewing is easier than play reviewing C. point up the opinions of Shaw D. defend the work of the play critic [单选题]恒生指数期货合约的乘数为50港元。当香港恒生指数从16000点跌到15980点时,恒生指数期货合约的实际价格波动为( )港元。
A.10 B.500 C.799000 D.800000 [简答题]
堆来枕上愁何状江海翻波浪夜长天色怎难明 [单选题]乘车人数通知单应保存()。
A.2个月 B.3个月 C.6个月 D.1年 [单选题]对有视线障碍的灭火器设置点,应设置指示其位置的()。
A.警示标志 B.发光标志 C.安全标志 D.明显标志 [判断题]使用驻波比表测量反射功率,将RANGE拨到20W以精确读出反射功率。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]配电线路竣工验收时,沿线的障碍物、应砍伐的树及树枝等杂物应清除完毕。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在()进行采、掘作业未制定专项防治水措施,未按措施规定强行进行()。
A.A、带压区域 B.B、采掘作业 C.C、老空区域 D.D、掘进作业 [单选题]双排扣件落地式钢管脚手架的搭设高度不宜超过( )。
A.20m B.24m C.45m D.50m [填空题]Even though the majority of Americans would find it hard to imagine
what life could be like without a car, some have begun to realize that the automobile is a mixed blessing. Traffic accidents are increasing steady, 67. ______ and large cities are troubled by too many automobiles. First of all, 68. ______ perhaps, is the air pollution caused by the internal-combustion (内燃机) engine. Every car engine burns hundred of gallons of fuel each year and 69. ______ pumps gases into the air. These gases are one origin of the smog that 70. ______ hangs over large cities. Some of these gases are poisonous and danger to 71. ______ health, especially for someone with a weak heart or a respiratory disease One answer to the problem of air pollution is to build a car that does not pollute. That’s the several major automobile manufacturers are trying 72. ______ to do. But building a clean car is easier saying than done. So far, 我来回答: 提交