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发布时间:2024-01-21 21:42:26

[单项选择]The expression" make the most of" in Line 4 is closest in meaning to which of the following ( )
A. Get the best yield from.
B. Raise the price of.
C. Exaggerate the worth of.
D. Earn a living on.

更多"The expression' make the most of' i"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Businessmen make most of their income from profit ______ by producing and selling products.
A. earning
B. is earned
C. earn
D. earned
[单项选择]The phrase "are easily disposed" in line 11 is closet in meaning to
A. ( demonstrate reluctance
B. ( readily encourage others
C. ( have a tendency
D. ( often fail
[单项选择]The word "meandered" in Line 4, Paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ______.
A. flowed
B. lulled
C. moved
D. winded
[单项选择]The expression "scratch the surface" most probably means ______.
A. think hard in a puzzled way
B. deal with a problem thoroughly
C. treat a subject without being thorough
D. work out a solution for a problem easily
[单项选择]The most notorious expression of that change was last year's {{U}}bootleg publication{{/U}} of "The Japan That Can Say No"—the book written by fight-wing politician Shintaro Ishihara and Sony chairman Akio Morita.
A. free publication
B. pirate publication
C. lawful publication
D. commercial publication
[单项选择]The expression "tip service" (Line 3, Paragraph 3 ) most probably means ______.
A. advisory
B. compensation
C. interaction
D. reminder
[单项选择]The expression of "streamline the process" ( Line 3, Para. 1) is used in the passage to refer to
A. pushing the process forward at a great speed
B. giving a streamlined form to the process
C. making the process simplify and more efficient
D. having the process move more quickly as a stream
[单项选择]In paragraph three, first line, the expression "all-too waking reality" means _________.
A. the members of the family accept the reality that they will not wake from their sleep one day.
B. the members of the family realize that they will have fatal insomnia sooner or later.
C. doctors found that fatal insomnia will befall to the Italian family and everyone will die.
D. fatal insomnia patients will be waked by the doctors in hospitals.
[单项选择]The expression "left to his own implements" (Line 4, Para. 1 ) most probably means ______
A. to be left alone
B. to be left to invent new tools
C. to be left to devil
D. to be left to make plans
[单项选择]The expression "cuts across "( Line 1, Para. 2) most probably means ______. A ) affects B) runs across C) damages D) results in
[单项选择]The expression "ripple effect" (Line 6, Para. 1) most probably means " ______ ".
A. chain reaction
B. cumulative effect
C. immediate response
D. long-lasting impact
[单项选择]The expression "in convoy" (Line 3, Para. 4) is closest in meaning to “_________”
A. in line
B. in defence
C. side by side
D. next to one another
[单项选择]In Line 6, Para. 3, the author use the expression of "learn the hard way" to mean that
A. we try to reevaluate our previously held beliefs as we grow older.
B. we refute some moral principles only after we find them inconsistent.
C. we acquire a sense of right and wrong from our real life lessons.
D. we become mature through ignoring our inherited unselfish tendencies.


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