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发布时间:2023-12-30 18:45:46

[单项选择]Our teacher says that ______ is not right for us to break the rules of the school.
A. /
B. this
C. it
D. that

更多"Our teacher says that ______ is not"的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the author says that we should intensify our efforts in nutrition education among our young people, he means that we should ______.
A. force young people to eat well-balanced meals
B. tell young people to eat liver , chicken, beef ,or veal
C. teach adolescents about nutrition in home economics class
D. try to change eating habits to get enough iron and other essential nutrients
[单项选择]The examiner made us ______ our ID card in order to be admitted to the test center
A. showing
B. showed
C. to show
D. show
[单项选择]The US military says the joint military action is aimed to _______.

A. drive off Iraqi planes in the no-fly zone
B. ensure a safe environment for planes patrolling the no-fly zone
C. wipe out Iraqi air force
D. support anti-government groups in Iraq
[单项选择]What does the writer actually tell us when he says, "Don' t turn down the foods you enjoy, but be sensible "
[单项选择]What does the author mean when he says "we can't turn the clock back" (Line 1, Para. 3)
[单项选择]Our teacher had us ______ a report on our investigation of the case.
A. writing
B. to writing
C. to write
D. written
[单项选择]Yesterday our teacher told us an interesting story ______ English.
A. at
B. in
C. for
D. by
[单项选择]The National Academic Policy Advisory Group says that money should be given to.
A. all the teachers
B. the best researchers.
C. the best teachers.
D. the needy universities .
[单项选择]The director of our' office often says, "We must never let any _____________ success go to our heads."
A. accidental
B. intentional
C. occupational
D. professional
[单项选择]Woman: Anne says she'll be visiting us on Friday.Man: I suppose that'll be the last we'll see her until she comes back to college in the fall.Question: What time does the conversation probably take place
A. At the beginning of the term.
B. Towards the end of the term.
C. During the Christmas season.
D. During the summer vacation.
[单项选择]They ______ us warmly and showed us to our rooms.
A. welcome
B. welcame
C. welcomed
D. welcamed
[单项选择]Florence says she isn't a good essay-writer because______.
[单项选择]The leader says he hasn't given much thought to the demonstrations planned against him during his state visit to Britain next week.
A. 这位领导人说他并未过多考虑下周对英国国事访问期间针对他策划的示威游行。
B. 这位领导人对下周访英期间为他周密筹划的示范活动评价不高。
C. 这位领导人就要对英国进行国事访问,对于下周为他策划的示威游行他说并未过多考虑。
D. 这位领导人说他并未想到下周英国国事访问期间会为他安排示范活动。
[单项选择]The safety inspector has advised us that our health and safety facilities are more than ().
A. considerable
B. decent
C. adequate
D. accountable
[单项选择]The reason why the author says in the essay that the title of the movie This Land Is Mine is ironical was that the land is ______.
A. not really that of the native born black Americans
B. that of the Frenchmen; the land refers to France
C. mine; yet it was occupied by Germans
D. mine; the land is that of the Americans.


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