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发布时间:2023-12-11 01:33:17

[单项选择]Broadcasting and films were the same in that they both______.
A. used headlines
B. communicated news
C. did without writing
D. advertised through newspapers and magazines

更多"Broadcasting and films were the sam"的相关试题:

[单项选择]In the early 20th century films were ____.
A. not of the same sorts as shown in England now
B. of the same kinds as shown in France now
C. of the same sorts as shown in America now
D. so as to the same kinds as shown in Canada before
[单项选择]In the past, films were mostly taken ______.
A. in a workshop
B. in the open
C. along the seaside
D. in the studio
[单项选择]Were both your () cars ticketed on the same day?
A. sister-in-law’s
B. sisters’-in-law
C. sisters-in-law’s
D. sister’s-in-law
[单项选择]You are just the same as you were the day ______ I first met you.
A. that
B. which
C. when
D. how
[单项选择]Although television was developed for broadcasting, many important uses have been found that have nothing to do with it.
A. 电视不仅促进了节目的播送,而且也有很多其他重要的作用。
B. 尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现电视还有很多与此毫无关系的重要用途。
C. 为了播送节目电视被开发出来,相应地,很多与此有关的重要用途也被发现。
D. 尽管开发电视的初衷是为了播送节目,后来却发现其实电视的重要用途都与此无关。
[单项选择]The Public Broadcasting System is supported by donations from foundations and other sources.
A. grants
B. references
C. accounts
D. advertisements
[单项选择]His initial broadcasting success as a young man was due at least as much to his considerable professional______as it was to his father's broadcasting connections.
A. (A) aplomb
B. (B) uncertainty
C. (C) hubris
D. (D) seniority
E. (E) nepotism
[单项选择]The Public Broadcasting System is supported by ______from foundations and other sources.
A. donations
B. references
C. accounts
D. advertisements
[单项选择]When did Ponti begin making films
A. In 1913
B. In 1931
C. In 1938
[单项选择]The ABC's broadcasting of conventions is said to______.
A. concentrate mainly on the range of morning time
B. conduct a detailed review to the whole elections
C. include nearly everything through its digital service
D. utilize its exclusive technology and facilities
[单项选择]Scientists created ultra fine films of specialized crystals by means of ______.
A. a scanning probe microscope
B. a nanoscale device
C. a molecular beam epitaxy
D. a super computer
[单项选择]Animals of the same kind always react in the same way to the danger of a quake.
[单项选择]After criminals were caught, they were accused and put on ______.
A. death
B. sentence
C. torture
D. trial


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