Passage Four Three years ago on the last day of January, I had a big problem. I can’t forget this day forever. The story began when my uncle, my cousin, and I went to the desert. My uncle was the oldest at 72 years old, but he was still strong. My cousin at that time was 10 years old, and I was 25 years old. All of us liked hunting. Usually we went hunting on the weekend, especially in winter, because winter is the hunting season. On the 25th of January, we decided to go hunting. All things were ready in the car, a Range Rover with four-wheel drive. We began on Thursday afternoon, and it took us three hours by car. We reached the place we were looking for at 5: 15 P.M.. First, we fixed the tent, then we made coffee and had a few minutes of rest. After that, we left to go on the hunt. We hunted using a falcon. Often, we hunt birds and rabbits. We spent two hours without finding anything. We decided to go back to the camp. On our way back, my cousin saw a rabbit. He cr
A. The Range Rover had front-wheel drive.
B. The group left for the hunting trip at 2:15 P.M.
C. After resting, they fixed their tent.
D. The rabbit tricked the falcon.
Section A
In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the correspond¬ing letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.
Passage 9 Another cultural difference has to do with the much greater emphasis that Chinese people have traditionally placed on (1) , on form (as distant from content), and on being polite. Americans, in contrast, in their daily interaction, do not often talk or think about (2) face, gaining face, or giving face. Americans are concerned about reputations and they do think about "looking good" and making others "looking good." (3) , in daily interaction they tend to focus more on the substance (content) of the interaction and not on whether or not a particular action will result in someone losing or gaining face. Such issues as (4) status, which are important in Chinese (5) of face, are less important to American and less likely to enter their minds when thinking aboutsubstantive matters. Sim A. To B. Upon C. With D. Except [简答题]柴油发动机运转尚正常,但出现排烟过多的现象,是何原因?
[多选题]绝缘靴一般有( )种。
A.A、5kV电工绝缘靴 B.B、6kV矿用长筒绝缘靴 C.C、7kV电工绝缘靴 D.D、8kV矿用长筒绝缘靴 E.E、20kV绝缘短靴 [单选题]有限空间作业核查人应当确认作业单位是否具备有限空间作业安全生产条件。
A.正确 B.错误 C.略 D.略 E.略 F.略 [单选题]原停留车辆须在( ),按规定完成防溜措施补强。预报的大风时间结束后,可恢复原防溜措施,也可在作业时撤除。
A.大风天气时 B.预报大风时间前 C.大风天气后 D.值班干部要求后 [单项选择]乳腺癌的超声特征不包括()。
A. 边界清晰 B. 边缘毛刺 C. 微小钙化 D. 血流信号丰富 E. 后方声影 [不定项选择题]接触网巡视检查有()。
A. 步行巡视 B.登乘巡视 C.梯车巡视 D.抽查巡视 E.全场巡视 [单选题]现有若干人都想开设自己的私人诊所,从事口腔科门诊治疗,根据下面题目中叙述的情形,你认为有可能被准予注册,进行个体行医的是( )
A. 钱某:已在某医院作为执业医师工作满5年,但业绩平平 B. 孙某:原就职于某医疗机构,医师考核连续两次不台格,但开办诊所的资金已到位、诊所地点已落实 C. 李某:一年前曾因盗窃罪被判处有期徒刑6个月,现已刑满释放 D. 周某:行医已有20余年,3年前因身体因素退休在家,日前身体恢复良好 E. 赵某:年仅十五岁,但自幼年在其父开办的诊所中帮忙,聪明好学,医术精湛 [多项选择]社会化的内容包括( )。
A. 掌握生活与生产的基本知识和技能 B. 遵守社会规范 C. 树立生活目标,确定人生理想 D. 培养社会角色 [单选题] 单弹簧式机械密封适用于油品、液化气、腐蚀性液体及小轴径的泵,但泵轴旋方向应与弹簧旋方向( )。
A.无关 B.相反 C.相同 D.以上说法均不对 [多选题]下列收入属于应按劳务报酬所得缴纳个人所得税的有( )。
A.张某办理内退手续后,在其他单位重新就业取得的报酬 B.王某由任职单位派遣到外商投资企业担任经理取得的收入 C.陈某为供货方介绍业务,从供货方取得的佣金 D.演员江某外地演出取得由当地主办方支付的演出费 [单选题]C#中,回车字符对应的转义字符串为( )
A.\r B.\f C.\n D.\t 我来回答: 提交