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发布时间:2023-10-10 10:33:02

[单项选择]Women are going after equality themselves instead of waiting for organizations to deliver it.
A. 妇女正在追求属于自己的平等,而不是组织机构给予的平等。
B. 妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地自己则在后面跟随。
C. 与其等待组织机构赐予平等,妇女更愿意自己去追求平等。
D. 妇女正在自己追求平等而不是等待组织机构赐予平等。

更多"Women are going after equality them"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Women are going after equality themselves instead of waiting for organizations to deliver it.
A. 妇女正在追求属于自己的平等,而不是组织机构给予的平等。
B. 妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地自己则在后面跟随。
C. 与其等待组织机构赐予平等,妇女更愿意自己去追求平等。
D. 妇女正在自己追求平等而不是等待组织机构赐予平等。
[单项选择]Instead of going into details about his project, he spoke ______.
A. in short
B. in general
C. in particular
D. in common
[单项选择]I imagine I'll do some work instead of going to the movies.
A. 我设想我能干点活,就不去看电影了。
B. 我想去看电影,不干活了。
C. 我想干点活,不去看电影了。
D. 我想就在这干点活,而不去电影院帮忙了。
[单项选择]I'd say whenever you (are going) after something that (is belonging) to you, anyone who (is depriving) you of the right to have it is (criminal).
A. are going
B. is belonging
C. is depriving
D. criminal
[单项选择]After going to several interviews, she eventually ______ to get a job.
A. managed
B. attained
C. succeeded
D. achieved
[单项选择]W: Ray, aren't you going straight home after school today M: ________
[单项选择]Man: Hi, Linda, are you going to teach after you graduate from that university Women: Where did you get the idea like that Question: What can be concluded about Linda
A. She has no desire to teach.
B. She likes teaching very much.
C. She has no idea about teaching.
D. She may choose to teach.
[单项选择]Women are trying their best to go after equality themselves instead of waiting for organizations to deliver it.
A. 妇女在等待组织机构带来平等,相反地,自己则在后面跟随。
B. 与其等待组织机构赐予平等,妇女更愿意自己去追求平等。
C. 妇女正在追求属于自己的平等,而不是组织机构给予的平等。
D. 妇女正在尽力自己追求平等而不是等待组织机构赐予平等。
[单项选择]Some women ______ a good salary in a job instead of staying home, but they decided not to work for the sake of the family.
A. must make
B. should have made
C. would make
D. could have made
[单项选择]"After Mexican troops tried to stop him from going to see his family, he volunteered for service with the Texans." From this sentence we can assume that ______.
A. the only way for him to see his family was for him to become a captain
B. Smith was angry with the Mexican troops for keeping him from his family
C. The Mexicans stopped him because he was married to a Mexican woman
D. Smith was friends with the Mexican troops who stopped him
[单项选择]—What are you going to do after dinner —______.
[单项选择]—I’m going on a trip to Hainan after the exam. —Really !
A. Have a nice time
B. Congratulations
D. It’s nice of you


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