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发布时间:2023-10-10 08:10:27

[单项选择]The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in______.
A. protesting
B. overthrowing
C. reeling
D. growling

更多"The people who objected to the new "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The people who objected to the new approach were told that since work had already started there was no point in ______.
A. denying
B. upsetting
C. protesting
D. competing
[单项选择]Some people were against the new education for women because _____.
A. they thought women clever and educated enough already.
B. they were afraid of clever women and thought they would be badly-behaved.
C. women thought they would get bored with education and want to enjoy themselves.
D. women were afraid they would not benefit from a good education.
[单项选择]In ancient times people who were thought to have the ability to ________ dreams were likely to be highly respected.
A. impart
B. inherit
C. interpret
D. intervene
[单项选择]In many cultures people who were thought to have the ability to ______ dreams were likely to be highly respected.
A. interpret
B. intervene
C. inherit
D. impart
[单项选择]People who dine in a New York restaurant
A. are not expected to give any tip to the waiter or waitress.
B. had better tip more than 15% so as not to be shamed.
C. may be looked down upon when offering a considerable tip.
D. are thought of as generous if they tip 15%.
[单项选择]The people who were watching from the beach ______.
A. offered to help without knowing what to do
B. did not want to put themselves in any danger
C. realized the trouble but could do nothing about it
D. did not know there was something wrong with the ship
[单项选择]______ were the people who first used umbrellas.
A. Chinese
B. Romans
C. Greeks
D. Egyptians
[单项选择]How many people were in each group
A. 100.
B. 25.
C. 50.
D. 15.
[单项选择]Who were the earliest people living in North America
A. The Spanish.
B. The English.
C. The Negroes.
D. The Indians.
[单项选择]A terrible traffic accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ______ sight on TV.
A. pathetic
B. frightened
C. terrible
D. threatened
[单项选择]A terrible accident happened; people were saddened when they watched the ________ sight on TV.
A. panic
B. pathetic
C. pathetic
D. periodic
[单项选择]Several people were missing during the storm.
[单项选择]People were given physical fitness tests in order to find out ________.
A. how well they could do in athletics
B. what their health condition was like
C. what kind of fitness center was suitable for them
D. whether they were fit for aerobic exercise
[单项选择]Around ten thousand people were left homeless and about two hundred and fifteen killed as a result of the flood.
A. 洪水使得大约1万人无家可归,夺走了215人的生命。
B. 大约1万人失去了家园和215人丧生,这是洪水的结果。
C. 由于洪水,大约1万人不让回家,且有215人死亡。
D. 作为洪水的结果,大约1万人被赶出家门和215人丧生。


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