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发布时间:2023-12-23 06:46:07

[单项选择]The growing size of the population is______major concern of______society nowadays.
A. /, the
B. a, /
C. a, the
D. the, the

更多"The growing size of the population "的相关试题:

[单项选择]The growing size of the population is ______ major concern of ______ society nowadays.
A. /... the
B. a... /
C. a... the
D. the... the
[单项选择]Why has growing population of young people caused the changes in museums
A. Because they are better educated.
B. Because they have less spare time.
C. Because they are stronger.
D. Because there are more young people.
[单项选择]Why has the growing population of young people caused the changes in museums
A. Because they are wealthy.
B. Because they are stronger.
C. Because they have more spare time.
D. Because they are better educated.
[单项选择]The population in Cambridge is still growing now.
[单项选择]The population of the world is growing at a dangerous________.
A. pace
B. measure
C. progress
D. rate
[单项选择]The population in last area was growing rapidly. Needless to say, the housing problem there cried out for immediate solution.
A. tried hard to find
B. called loudly
C. needed very much
D. asked earnestly for
[单项选择]() the obvious differences in size and population, the states of America have many things () common.()
A. Although; on
B. Though; in
C. Despite; in
D. Because of; on
[单项选择]Scientists assume that unrestrained population growth and dwindling resources may force humans to look to the sea for food.
A. unavoidable
B. unexpected
C. unchecked
D. unfortunate
[单项选择]The Canadian population is chiefly characterized by ______.
A. its size
B. its growth
C. its linguistic duality
D. its French origins
[单项选择]Quelle est la population actuelle de Paris
A. onze millions
B. dix millions
C. neuf millions
D. douze millions
[单项选择]Which statement is TRUE about population increase
A. There might be an increase of 2.2 billion persons from now to the year 2000.
B. About 50,000 babies are born every, six hours at present.
C. Between 8000 B.C. and the present, the population increase is about 80,000,000 persons each year.
D. The population increased faster between 8000 B. C. and 1650 than between 1650 and the present.
[单项选择]Unless the population growth stabilizes, environmentalists predict a worldwide starvation by the next decade.
A. famine
B. shortage
C. rebellion
D. infection
[单项选择]While the population of the United States includes a great variety of racial and ethnic backgrounds, Japan's population is______.
A. autonomous
B. homogeneous
C. ambitious
D. anonymous
[单项选择]An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical________, will become more dependent on the development of modern technology.
A. interference
B. interruption
C. intervention
D. interaction
[单项选择]Even if we succeed in controlling population growth, we will still have huge environmental problems to deal With.
A. 甚至我们成功地控制了人口成长,我们仍然有严重的环境问题要对付。
B. 即使我们成功地控制了人口增长,我们仍然有巨大的环境问题要对付。
C. 如果我们在控制人口成长上成功了,我们仍然有巨大的环境问题要应付。
D. 即使控制了人口增长,我们仍然有严重的环境问题要应对。
[单项选择]What percentage of the population should pay their tuition

A. 50.
B. 2.
C. 4.
D. 6.


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