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发布时间:2024-07-12 23:25:30

[单选题] To increase the distance to the vessel ahead by reducing one´s own speed is called ( ) .
A. drop back
B. slow down
C. drop down
D. reducing

更多"[单选题] To increase the distance to t"的相关试题:

[单选题]Any increase in landing distance, resulting from an emergency or abnormality, must be based on :
A. the Actual Landing Distance without Autobrake - CONF 2
B. the Actual Landing Distance without Autobrake - CONF 3
C. the Actual Landing Distance without Autobrake - CONF FULL
[单选题]The actual landing distance is the distance between
A. the point at 50 ft above runway threshold and the point where the aircraft come to a full stop
B. the touchdown point and the point where the aircraft come to a full stop
C. the decision altitude and the point where the aircraft come to a full stop
[填空题]brake distance
[单选题] That speed of a vessel allowing the maximum possible time for effective action to be taken to avoid a collision and to be stopped within an appropriate distance is called ( ) .
A. min speed
B. low speed
C. safe speed
D. max speed
[单选题] VTS authorization for a vessel to proceed under conditions specified is called ( ) .
A. Traffic clearance
B. VTS clearance
C. VTS order
D. Special clearance
[单选题] A radio signal from a distressed vessel automatically directed to a RCC giving position, identification, course and speed of the vessel as well as the nature of distress is called ( ) .
A. Distress alert
B. Distress signal
C. distress alarm
D. automatic alert
[单选题] The horizontal direction of the vessel’s bows at a given moment measured in degrees clockwise from the north is called ( ) .
A. true course
B. heading
C. compass course
D. course made good
[单选题] Attending a vessel, to be available in case of need( eg ice-breaker, tug, etc)is called ( ).
A. Escort
B. protect
C. Accompany
D. together
[单选题] A vessel which has been destroyed or sunk or abandoned at sea is called ( ) .
A. obstruction
B. wreck
C. submarine
D. sinking vessel
[单选题] Turning of a vessel upside down while on water is called ( )
A. Capsizing
B. floating
C. overturning
D. rolling
[单选题]( ) means course which a vessel makes good over ground, after allowing for the effect of currents, tidal streams, and leeway caused by wind and sea.
A. Course
B. Track
C. Course made good
D. True course
[单选题]Speed of a vessel required for the passage through a canal, fairway, etc, called ( ).
A. transit speed
B. safe speed
C. fairway speed
D. maneuvering speed
[多选题]Underway means that a vessel is not ( ) ?
A. at anchor
B. berthed
C. aground
D. made fast to the shore
[单选题] A mark or position at which a vessel is required to report to the local VTS Station to establish its position is( ).
A. Receiving point
B. Reporting point
C. Pilot station
D. Reference line
[单选题] IF a vessel is floating, not controlled, without a clearly determinable direction, we say she is ( )
A. drifting
B. floating
C. not under command
D. adrift
[单选题] The term "power-driven vessel" means any vessel ( ) by machinery.
A. pushed
B. propelled
C. pulled
D. driven
[单选题]My vessel maneuvering ______ difficulty. Please keep well clear ______ me. ( )
A. With, of.
B. In, of.
C. At, apart.
D. With, from.
[判断题]DME is the abbreviation of Distance Measuring Equipment。 ( )


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