Virtually all consumers will have a
credit card in their lives. Selecting a credit card should not be something
taken lightly, card companies are constantly looking for new consumers, hat only
after wisely comparing offers should you select a provider. Pick a company that
will give you a reasonable rate and one that incentivizes their program with
some type of reward for using their card. Almost without fail, rewards cards typically give consumers money back on their purchases or allow you to accumulate points toward prizes on future purchases. If you charge $10,000 per year and your rewards card pays you a 2% reward on purchases, you will receive $200 from the company. Usually you will gain the funds in the form of several credits to your account spread out over the course era year, but in some cases you will receive th A. you’d better consider taking a cap with you B. many rewards cards will not limit to you C. you will never come close to the limitation D. you’d better choose a higher limitation card [判断题]配电自动化主站系统采用的负载均衡技术是指主备机负载要保持一样。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]全党全国各族人民要紧密团结在党中央周围,高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,锐意进取,埋头苦干,为实现()三大历史任务,为决胜全面建成小康社会、夺取新时代中国特色社会主义伟大胜利、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦、实现人民对美好生活的向往继续奋斗!
A.推进现代化建设 B.完成祖国统一 C.构建人类命运共同体 D.维护世界和平与促进共同发展 [单选题]有载调压装置在调压过程中,切换触头与选择触头的关系是
A.前者比后者先动 B.前者比后者后动 C.同时动 D.二者均不动 [单选题] 132
智能选路的功能主要分为两部分,以下哪个选项的说法是正确的? A.当企业从不同ISP处获得多条带宽不等的链路时,为了充分利用各链路的带宽,可以根据链路带宽负载分担进行智能选路 B.为了使用户获得最佳的访问体验,可以根据各链路的实时传输质量动态调整流量的分配情况 C.可以有限使用某些链路传输流量,并利用其他链路作为备份链路或负载分担链路,提高业务的可靠性 D.智能选路可以根据不同的需求实现基于全局选路策略的选路,也可以对服务可用性、链路可用性或链路时延进行探测 [单选题]在处置泥石流灾害事故的行动中要求参战人员,选准( )的停放位置,确保自身安全,便于撤退和转移。
A.冲锋舟 B.救生船 C.救援车辆 D.救生艇 [单选题]智慧沃家5G极享"三千兆"融合套餐的合约生效时间是:
A.立即生效 B.当月月末生效 C.次月生效 D.宽带竣工生效 [单项选择]Many years ago there was a huge oil refinery fire. Flames shot hundreds of feet into the air. The sky was thick with black smoke. The heat was so intense that firefighters had to park their trucks a block away and wait for the heat to die down before they could begin to fight the fire. However, it was about to rage out of control.
Then, all of a sudden, from several blocks away came a fire truck racing down the street. With its brakes screeching, it hit the curb in front of the fire. The firefighters jumped out and began to battle the blaze. All the firefighters who were parked a block away saw this, and they jumped into their trucks, drove down the block and began to fight the fire, too. As a result of that cooperative effort, they were just barely able to bring the fire under control. The people who saw this teamwork thought: "My goodness, the man who drove that lead fire truck—what an act of bravery!" They decided to give him a special award to recognize him for his brav A. The fire was so strong that it could be hardly under control in the beginning. B. The captain was awarded by the mayor for his bravery. C. People were astonished by what the driver of the lead fire truck did. D. People who were saved wrote to the firefighters to express their thanks. [多选题]企业进行薪酬调查可选择的企业类型包括( )。
A.经营策略、信誉、报酬水平和工作环境均合乎一般标准的企业 B.同行业中同类型的其他企业 C.与本企业构成人力资源竞争对象的企业 D.其他行业中有相似相近工作岗位的企业 E.在本地区同一劳动力市场上招聘员工的企业 [判断题]妊娠期未满时出现的难产可能为早产,此时胎儿比较小,容易矫正(64)
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]符合享受一年一次探亲待遇条件的职工,其工作地至家属居住地在( )公里以内,能利用节假日或休班时间回家的,在不享受国家规定的探亲假的前提下,可填发定期通勤乘车证,有效期间为一个历年。
A.400 B.500 C.600 D.800 [判断题]对初次注册登记查验确认为违规机动车产品的机动车再次进行注册登记查验时,应确认机动车生产厂家是否已对先前查验不合格的项目进行了整改并出具了与整改日期相适应的整改合格说明,确认的结果应通过视频录像或拍摄照片留存。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消防车零件清洗后,应按照各个零件的技术要求进行检验,将零件分为可用、( )和报废三类。
A.需修 B.能用 C.不修 D.换件 [多选题].司控器保养时需要使用的油类包括( )。
A...3#锂基酯 B...2#铁路锂基酯 C...硅油 D...紫皇冠 [单选题]关于V9200 VBC板,下面识法不正确的是
A.是BBU的基础,承担所有单板的连接固定、供电分发、时钟分去,数据接交换等功能 B.完成主控、系统时钟、IQ数据交换、信令处理功能 C.与结构子系统一起实现所有复合子系统的互联 D.类似 SDR BBU的机框背板 [多项选择]在广告效果调查中,用间接方法了解消费者态度的方法有()。
A. 语言联想法 B. 语句完成法 C. 详细咨询法 D. 绘画测定法 E. SD测定法 [判断题]物流科学是以物的动态流转过程为主要研究对象,是一门管理工程与技术工程相结合的综合学科。
[多项选择]下列关于取保候审与监视居住的叙述中,错误的有哪几项( )
A. 被监视居住的犯罪嫌疑人会见其聘请的律师须事先经过公安司法机关的批准 B. 犯罪嫌疑人在取保候审或者监视居住期间只要实施了犯罪行为的,就应当予以逮捕 C. 对于两次未经批准,擅自会见他人的被取保候审的犯罪嫌疑人,应当予以逮捕 D. 犯罪嫌疑人在取保候审或者监视居住期间只要经传讯不到案的,就应当予以逮捕 [单项选择]TDC3000系统中,气分和MTBE装置的APM节点地址为()。
A. 9、10 B. 11、12 C. 9、11 D. 9、10和11、12 [单项选择]预制箱梁支承垫石顶面与支座底面间的压浆厚度不得小于()mm,也不得大于30mm
A. 10 B. 25 C. 20 我来回答: 提交