The estimates of the numbers of home-schooled children vary widely. The U. S. Department 0f Education estimates there are 250, 000 to 350, 000 home-schooled children in the country. 4tome-school advocates put the number much higher at about a million.
Many public school advocates take a harsh attitude toward home schoolers perceiving their actions as the ultimate slap for public education and a damaging move for the children. 46) Home schoolers harbor few kind words for public schools, charging shortcomings that range from lack of religious perspective in the curriculum to a herdlike approach to teaching children.
47) Yet, as public school officials realize they stand little to gain by remaining hostile to the home-school population, and as"home schoolers realize they can reap benefits from public schools, these hard lines seem to be softening a bit. Public schools and home schoolers have moved closer to tolerance and, in some cases, even cooper
Micro-chip Research Center
Created A research center has been set up in this Far. East country to develop advanced microchip production technology. The center, which will start out with about US $14 million, will help the country develop its chip industry without always depending on imported technology. The center will make use of its research skills and facilities to develop new technology for domestic chip plants. The advent of the center will possibly free the country from the situation that it is always buying almost-outdated technologies from other countries, said the country’ s flagship(旗舰,首位的) chipmaker. Currently, chip plants in this country are in a passive situation because many foreign governm [单项选择]
A. 水合氯醛灌肠 B. 地西泮静注 C. 氯丙嗪静滴 D. 奋乃静口服 E. 10%葡萄糖酸钙静注 [判断题]有分布式电源接入的电网管理单位应及时掌握分布式电源接入情况,并在系统接线图上标注完整。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列应当从重处罚的是( )。
A.多次实施诈骗的 B.司法工作人员利用职权伙同他人以捏造的事实提起民事诉讼,逃避合法债务的 C.组织、强迫未成年人卖淫的 D.暴力袭击正在依法执行职务的人民警察的 [判断题]采煤机停止工作或检修时,必须切断电源,并打开其磁力启动器的隔离开关。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]会员制期货交易所会员应当履行的主要义务包括( )。
A.遵守国家法律、法规、规章和政策 B.遵守期货交易所的章程、业务规则及有关决定 C.按规定缴纳各种费用 D.接受期货交易所业务监管 [单项选择]合同中的支付保函是由( )提供。
A. 承包商 B. 指定分包商 C. 工程师 D. 业主 [多选题]政法工作应当坚持政治过硬、业务过硬、责任过硬、纪律过硬、作风过硬的要求,建设( )的新时代政法队伍
A.信念坚定 B.执法为民 C.敢于担当 D.清正廉洁 [单选题] 一般情况,干燥的环境下,安全电压规定为( )。
A.36V B.12V C.24V [单选题]下列哪一选项是政府信息公开指南应当包括的内容?
A.政府信息的名称 B.政府信息的索引 C.政府信息的内容概述 D.政府信息的获取方式 [单选题]竹(木)梯的静负荷试验周期为()。
A.三年 B.一年 C.半年 D.三个月 [单选题] 救援人员编组不得少于()人,并指定负责人。(易)
A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 [单项选择]证券经纪人与证券公司之间是一种( )关系。
A. 委托 B. 聘用 C. 雇佣 D. 委托代理 [单选题]严禁开采地表水体下、强含水层下、采空区水淹区域下且水患威胁未消除的()。
A.厚煤层 B.倾斜煤层 C.急倾斜煤层 [判断题]液氨罐区应设明显的防火警示标志,通道、出入口和通向消防设施的道路应保持畅通。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]行车组织的基础是( )。
A. 素体阳虚,阴寒凝滞,气血痹阻,心阳不振 B. 心气不足,阴血亏耗,血行瘀滞 C. 血行瘀滞,胸阳痹阻,心脉不畅 D. 肝失疏泄,气机郁滞,心脉不和 E. 阳气虚衰,胸阳不振,气机痹阻,血行瘀滞 [判断题]装箱单的出单日期可以早于发票日期,也可晚于发票日期1-2天。( )
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