People in the United States in the
nineteenth century were {{U}} (21) {{/U}} by the {{U}} (22) {{/U}}
that unprecedented change in the nation’s economy would bring social
{{U}} (23) {{/U}} . In the years following 1820, after several decades of
relative stability, the economy {{U}} (24) {{/U}} a period of
{{U}} (25) {{/U}} and extremely rapid growth that continued to the end of
the nineteenth century. {{U}} (26) {{/U}} that growth was a structural
change that {{U}} (27) {{/U}} by increasing economic diversification and
a gradual shift in the nation’s labor force from agriculture to manufacturing
and other nonagricultural pursuits. Although the birth rate continued to decline from its high level of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, the population roughly doubled every generation during the rest of the nineteenth century. A. haunted B. frequented C. obsessed D. tormented [单选题]气管
A.在相当T4~T5平面之间分为左、右主支气管 B.气管隆嵴常略偏向右侧 C.位于上纵隔和后纵隔内 D.胸部前方有胸腺,后方有主动脉弓和食管 E.位于食管后方 [单项选择]“中东呼吸综合征”的英文全拼是:()
A. Rupture Of Spleen B. Intracranial Hemorrhage Of The Newborn C. Middle East Respiratory Syndrome D. Carcinoma Of Endometrium [单选题]锅炉水压试验时,周围空气温度应高于( ),否则应有防冻措施。
A.15℃ B.10℃ C.0℃ D.5℃ [多选题]报废物资应做到()
A.集中处置 B.程序规范 C.周期清理 D.提升收益 [判断题]提速道岔垫板与岔枕联结:混凝土岔枕采用硫磺锚固;木岔枕采用螺纹道钉。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]一般工商业电价是指( )。
A.农业生产电价 B.普通工业电价 C.非居民电价 D.商业电价 [判断题]有坫座的虎钳,允许将工件放在上面做轻微的敲打。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 3 下列构成犯罪的是( )。
A.以制作资料、发布信息、当面讲授等方式宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义的 B.明知是宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义的物品、图书、音频视频资料而大量持有,拒不接受检查的 C.在公共场所穿着、佩戴宣扬恐怖主义、极端主义服饰、标志的 D.--------- 我来回答: 提交