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[不定项选择题]阅读下面的文字,完成后面题。 去年3月15日,美国食品和药品管理局(FD A)接到一家名为“菜单”的宠物食品制造公司发来的一封信。信中称,有l4只宠物吃了他们公司的产品后突然死亡。该公司负责给许多知名品牌生产宠物食品,事发后立即主动召回了大约l00种牌子的相关产品,并要求FDA帮助调查真相。分析了1.4万个案例后,FDA得出结论:大部分宠物得的都是急性肾病。与此同时,FDA派出科学家进驻宠物食品加工厂,提取样本化验,最终把目标锁定在三聚氰胺身上。FDA分析了210种宠物食品,其中130种食品含有三聚氰胺。 三聚氰胺别名”蜜胺”,属化工原料。美国禁止食品工业使用三聚氰胺,无论是拿它当作宠物食品添加剂还是作为化肥,都是违法的。既然如此,三聚氰胺是怎么混进宠物食品中的呢 化验表明,三聚氰胺来自一种食品添加剂——面筋。面筋是面粉脱去淀粉后剩下的蛋白质,不但可以增加食品的蛋白质含量,还可以提高其黏度,增强口感。 三聚氰胺当初之所以被禁,并不是因为它本身有毒,三聚氰胺的毒性实验表明,过量的三聚氰胺会在大鼠肾内形成结晶,这种结晶可以作为种子,让大鼠产生肾结石,继而诱发癌症。那么,既然只有长时间大剂量服用三聚氰胺才会导致大鼠产生肾结石,那些宠物到底是怎么死的呢 科学家们继续在实验室里寻找那个神秘的宠物杀手,不久,又一种化学物质上了黑名单,这就是三聚氰酸。这种物质通常只有在游泳池里才能找到,它可以减缓起消毒作用的氯气被阳光分解的速度。同样,这也是一种被美国法律禁止使用在食品中的化学物质。 三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸都含有大量的氮元素,能在化验中冒充蛋白质,如果在食品和饲料中添加它们,就可以让劣质产品蒙混过关,进一步实验表明,三聚氰酸只有在大剂量情况下才有致癌,宠物食品中含有的少量三聚氰酸顶多造成宠物的胃部不适,不大可能杀死它们,否则。FDA是不可能允许游泳池使用三聚氰酸的。 那么,问题到底出在哪里呢 去年5月,加拿大圭尔夫大学的科学家发表了一份研究报告称,三聚氰酸和三聚氰胺混在一起会形成一种晶体,阻碍肾脏的正常生理功能。截至目前,科学家们仍然在对这一假说进行深入研究。而另一些科学家则认为也许还有某种尚未被发现的化学物质和三聚氰酸或者三聚氰胺起了某种化学反应,生成了某种有毒物质。 根据本文提供的信息.下列推断不合理的一项是( )。查看材料

更多"[不定项选择题]阅读下面的文字,完成后面题。 去年3月15日,美国"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]阅读下面的文字,完成后面题。 去年3月15日,美国食品和药品管理局(FD A)接到一家名为“菜单”的宠物食品制造公司发来的一封信。信中称,有l4只宠物吃了他们公司的产品后突然死亡。该公司负责给许多知名品牌生产宠物食品,事发后立即主动召回了大约l00种牌子的相关产品,并要求FDA帮助调查真相。分析了1.4万个案例后,FDA得出结论:大部分宠物得的都是急性肾病。与此同时,FDA派出科学家进驻宠物食品加工厂,提取样本化验,最终把目标锁定在三聚氰胺身上。FDA分析了210种宠物食品,其中130种食品含有三聚氰胺。 三聚氰胺别名”蜜胺”,属化工原料。美国禁止食品工业使用三聚氰胺,无论是拿它当作宠物食品添加剂还是作为化肥,都是违法的。既然如此,三聚氰胺是怎么混进宠物食品中的呢 化验表明,三聚氰胺来自一种食品添加剂——面筋。面筋是面粉脱去淀粉后剩下的蛋白质,不但可以增加食品的蛋白质含量,还可以提高其黏度,增强口感。 三聚氰胺当初之所以被禁,并不是因为它本身有毒,三聚氰胺的毒性实验表明,过量的三聚氰胺会在大鼠肾内形成结晶,这种结晶可以作为种子,让大鼠产生肾结石,继而诱发癌症。那么,既然只有长时间大剂量服用三聚氰胺才会导致大鼠产生肾结石,那些宠物到底是怎么死的呢 科学家们继续在实验室里寻找那个神秘的宠物杀手,不久,又一种化学物质上了黑名单,这就是三聚氰酸。这种物质通常只有在游泳池里才能找到,它可以减缓起消毒作用的氯气被阳光分解的速度。同样,这也是一种被美国法律禁止使用在食品中的化学物质。 三聚氰胺和三聚氰酸都含有大量的氮元素,能在化验中冒充蛋白质,如果在食品和饲料中添加它们,就可以让劣质产品蒙混过关,进一步实验表明,三聚氰酸只有在大剂量情况下才有致癌,宠物食品中含有的少量三聚氰酸顶多造成宠物的胃部不适,不大可能杀死它们,否则。FDA是不可能允许游泳池使用三聚氰酸的。 那么,问题到底出在哪里呢 去年5月,加拿大圭尔夫大学的科学家发表了一份研究报告称,三聚氰酸和三聚氰胺混在一起会形成一种晶体,阻碍肾脏的正常生理功能。截至目前,科学家们仍然在对这一假说进行深入研究。而另一些科学家则认为也许还有某种尚未被发现的化学物质和三聚氰酸或者三聚氰胺起了某种化学反应,生成了某种有毒物质。 下列表述不符合本文意思的一项是( )。查看材料
[不定项选择题]阅读下面材料,回答问题。 A省人民政府表彰2007—2009年度 A省劳动模范、先进工作者 和模范集体的通报 A府发字〔2010〕第21号 各市(地)人民政府,省政府各部、委、办、厅,省政府各直属单位: 为了表彰在A省经济建设和社会发展中作出突出贡献的先进个人和先进集体,经过民主 评选、单位推荐,省政府决定,授予李某等541名同志2007—2009年度A省劳动模范称号,授 予陆某等307名同志A省先进工作者称号,授予A省某厅工程部等三百五十个集体2007— 2009年度A省模范集体称号(具体名单附后)。 (以下文字略) A省人民政府办公厅(公章) 二〇一〇年4月25日 关于公文落款,下列说法正确的是( )。
[不定项选择题]阅读下面这首诗,完成题。 移居(其二) 陶渊明 春秋多佳日,登高赋新诗。过门更相呼,有酒斟酌之。 农务各自归,闲暇辄相思。相思则披衣,言笑无厌时。 此理将①不胜。无为忽去兹。衣食当须纪②,力耕不吾欺。 【注】①将:岂。②纪:经营。 对这首诗的理解,恰当的两项是( )。
[不定项选择题]请阅读Passage 2,完成小题。 Passage 2 The subject of ballads,books and films, Robin Hood has proven to be one of popular culture's mostenduring folk heroes. Over the course of 700 years, the outlaw fromNottinghamshire who robs the rich to give to the poor has emerged as one of themost enduring folk heroes in popular culture-and one of the most versatile. Buthow has the legend of Sherwood Forest's merry outlaws evolved over time? Did areal Robin Hood inspire these classic tales? Beginning in the 15thcentury and perhaps even earlier, Christian revelers in certain parts ofEngland celebrated May Day with plays and games involving a Robin Hood figurewith near-religious significance. In the 19th century, writer-illustrators likeHoward Pyle adapted the traditional tales for children, popularizing them inthe United States and around the world. More recently, bringing Robin to thesilver screen has become?a rite of passage?for directors ranging fromMichael Curtiz and Ridley Scott to Terry Gilliam and Mel Brooks. Throughout Robin'sexistence, writers, performers and filmmakers have probed their imaginationsfor new incarnations that resonate with their respective audiences. In14th-century England, where agrarian discontent had begun to chip away at thefeudal system, he appears as an anti-establishment rebel who murders governmentagents and wealthy landowners. Later variations from times of less socialupheaval dispense with the gore and cast Robin as a dispossessed aristocrat witha heart of gold and a love interest, Maid Marian. Academics, meanwhile,have combed the historical record for evidence of a real Robin Hood. Englishlegal records suggest that, as early as the 13th century, “Robehod,” “Rabunhod”and other variations had become common epithets for criminals. But what hadinspired these nicknames: a fictional tale, an infamous bandit or an amalgam ofboth? The first literary references to Robin Hood appear in a series of 14th-and 15th-century ballads about a violent yeoman who lived in Sherwood Forestwith his men and frequently clashed with the Sheriff of Nottingham. Rather thana peasant, knight or fallen noble, as in later versions, the protagonist ofthese medieval stories is a commoner. Little John and Will Scarlet are part ofthis Robin’s “merry” crew-meaning, at the time, an outlaw's gang-but MaidMarian, Friar Tuck and Alan-a-Dale would not enter the legend until later,possibly as part of the May Day rituals. While most contemporaryscholars have failed to turn up solid clues, medieval chroniclers took forgranted that a historical Robin Hood lived and breathed during the 12th or 13thcentury. The details of their accounts vary widely, however, placing him inconflicting regions and eras. Not until John Major's “History of Greater Britain” (1521), for example, is he depicted asa follower of King Richard, one of his defining characteristics in modem times. ?We may never know forsure whether Robin Hood ever existed outside the verses of ballads and pages ofbooks. And even if we did, fans, young and old, would still surely flock toEngland's Nottinghamshire region for a tour of the legend's alleged formerhangouts, from centuries-old pubs to the Major Oak in Sherwood Forest. What wedo know is that the notion of a brave rebel who lives on the outskirts ofsociety, fighting injustice and oppression with his band of companions, hasuniversal appeal-whether he's played by Erroll Flynn, Russell Crowe or even, ason a 1979 episode of “The Muppet Show,” Kermit the Frog. Which of the following methods is used by the author in elaborating his points'
B.Contrast and comparison.
D.Rhetorical question
[不定项选择题]请阅读 Passage 2,完成小题。 Passage 2 Several research teams have found thatnewborns prefer their mothers' voices over those of other people. Now a team ofscientists has gone an intriguing step further: they have found that newbornscry in their native language. "We have provided evidence that languagebegins with the very first cry melodies," says Kathleen Wermke of theUniversity of Wurzburg, Germany, who led the research. ?"The dramatic finding of this study isthat not only are newborns capable of producing different cry melodies, butthey prefer to produce those melody patterns that are typical for the?ambientlanguage they have heard during their fetal life, within the lasttrimester," said Wermke. "Contrary to orthodox interpretations, thesedata support the importance of human infants' crying for seeding languagedevelopment." ???Ithad been thought that babies' cries are constrained by-their breathing patternsand respiratory apparatus, in which case a crying baby would sound like acrying baby no matter what the culture is, since babies are anatomically identical."The prevailing opinion used to be that newborns could not activelyinfluence their production of sound," says Wermke. This study refutes thatclaim: since babies cry in different languages, they must have somecontrol?? (presumably unconscious) overwhat they sound like rather than being constrained by the acoustical propertiesof their lungs, throat, mouth, and larynx. If respiration alone dictated what a crysounded like, all babies would cry with a falling-pitch pattern, since that'swhat happens as you run out of breath and air pressure on the throat'ssound-making machinery decreases. French babies apparently didn't get thatmemo. "German and French infants produce different types of cries, eventhough they share the same physiology," the scientists point out."The French newborns produce ‘nonphysiological' rising patterns," showingthat the sound of their cries is under their control. ????Although phonemes-speech sounds such as "ki" or"sh"-don't cross the abdominal barrier and reach the fetus, so-calledprosodic characteristics of speech do. These are the variations in pitch,rhythm, and intensity that characterize each language. Just as newbornsremember and prefer actual songs that they heard in utero, it seems, so theyremember and prefer both the sound of Mom’s voice and the melodic signature ofher language. ?The idea of the study wasn't to make the sound of a screaming baby more interestingto listeners-good luck with that-but to explore how babies acquire speech. Thatacquisition, it is now clear, begins months before birth, probably in the thirdtrimester: Newborns "not only have memorized the main intonation patternsof their respective surrounding language but are also able to reproduce thesepatterns in their own [sound] production," conclude the scientists. Newborns'"cries are already tuned toward their native language," giving them ahead start on sounding French or German (or, presumably, English or American orChinese or anything else: the scientists are collecting cries from morelanguages). This is likely part of the explanation for how babies developspoken language quickly and seemingly without effort. Sure, we may come into the world wired for language (thank you, Noam Chomsky), but we also benefitfrom the environmental exposure that tells us which language. ??Until this study, scientists thought that babies became capable of vocal imitation noearlier than 12 weeks of age. That's when infants listening to an adultspeaker producing vowels can parrot the sound. But that's the beginning of truespeech. It's sort of amazing that it took this long for scientists to realizethat if they want to see what sounds babies can perceive, remember, and playback, they should look at the sound babies produce best. So let the littleangel cry: she's practicing to acquire language. What does Kathleen Wermke's research indicate?
A.Babies are unable to do vocal imitation.
B.Babies’ cries could be their early language acquisition.
C.Babies start speech acquisition months after their birth.
D.A crying baby is a crying baby no matter what the culture is.
[不定项选择题]阅读 Passage 1,完成小题. Passage 1 Today'sadults grew up in schools designed to sort us into the various segments of oursocial and economic system. Theamount of time available to learn was fixed: one year per grade. The amount learnedby the end of that time was free to vary:?some of us learned a great deal; some, very little. As weadvanced through the grades, those who had learned a great deal in previousgrades continued to build on those foundations. Those who had failed to masterthe early prerequisites within the allotted time failed to learn that whichfollowed. After 12 or 13 years of cumulative treatment of this kind, we were,in effect, spread along an achievement continuumthat was ultimately reflected in each student's rank in class upon graduation. ?Fromthe very earliest grades, some students learned a great deal very quickly andconsistently scored high on assessments. The emotional effect of this was tohelp them to see themselves as capable learners, and so these students becameincreasingly confident in school. That confidence gave them the inner emotionalstrength to take the risk of striving for more success because they believed thatsuccess was within their reach. Driven forward by this optimism, these studentscontinued to try hard, and that effort continued to result in success for them.They became the academic and emotional winners. Notice that the trigger fortheir emotional strength and their learning success was their perception oftheir success on formal and informal assessments. ?Butthere were other students who didn’t fare so well. They scored very low ontests, beginning in the earliest grades. The emotional effect was to cause themto question their own capabilities as learners. They began to lose confidence,which, in turn, deprived them of the emotional reserves needed to continue totake risks. As their motivation warned, of course, their performance?plummeted.These students embarked on what they believed to be an irreversible slide towardinevitable failure and lost hope. Once again, the emotional trigger for theirdecision not to try was their perception of their performance on assessments. ?Consider the reality—indeed, the paradox of— the schools in whichwe were reared.?If some students worked hard and learneda lot, that was a positive result, and they would finish high in the rankorder. But if some students gave up in hopeless failure, that was an acceptableresult, too, because they would occupy places very low in the rank order. Theirachievement results fed into the implicit mission of schools: the greater thespread of achievement among students, the more it reinforced the rank order.This is why, if some students gave up and stopped trying (even dropped out of school),that was regarded as the student's problem, not the teacher's or the school's. ??Onceagain, please notice who is using test results to decide whether to strive forexcellence or give up in hopelessness. The "data-based decisionmakers" in this process are students themselves. Students are decidingwhether success is within or beyond reach, whether the learning is worth the requiredeffort, and so whether to try or not. The critical emotions underpinning thedecision making process include anxiety, fear of failure, uncertainty, andunwillingness to take risks-all triggered by students ' perceptions of theirown capabilities as reflected in assessment results. ?Some students responded to the demands of suchenvironments by working hard and learning a great deal. Others controlled theiranxiety by giving up and not caring. The result for them is exactly theopposite of the one society wants. Instead of leaving no child behind, thesepractices, in effect, drove down the achievement of at least as many studentsas they successfully elevated. And the evidence suggests that the downsidevictims are more frequently members of particular socioeconomic and ethnicminorities. What has made students spread along an achievement continuum according to the passage?
A.The allotted time to learn.
B.Social and economic system.
C.The early prerequisites students mastered.
D.Performance on formal and informal assessments.
[不定项选择题]请阅读Passage 1, 完成第小题。 Passage 1 In recent years,however, society has come to understand the limitations of schools that merelysort and rank students. We have discovered that students in the bottomone-third to one-half of the rank order-plus all who drop out before beingranked-fail to develop the foundational reading, writing, and mathematicalproficiencies needed to survive in, let alone contribute to, an increasinglytechnically complex and ethnically diverse culture. So today, in asking schoolsto leave no child behind, society is asking that educators raise up the bottomof the rank-.order distribution to a specified level of competence. We callthose expectations our?? "academicachievement standards". Every state has them, and, as a matter of publicpolicy, schools are to be held accountable for making sure that all studentsmeet them. ?To be clear, themission of sorting has not been eliminated from the schooling process. For theforeseeable future, students will still be ranked at the end of high school.However, society now dictates that such a celebration of differences m amountlearned must start at a certain minimum level of achievement for all. ??The implications of this change in missionfor the role of assessment are profound. Assessment and grading proceduresdesigned to permit only a few students to succeed (those at the top of therank-order distribution) must now be revised to permit the possibility that allstudents could succeed at some appropriate level. Furthermore, procedures thatpermitted?? (perhaps even encouraged)some students to give up in hopelessness and to stop trying must now be replacedby others that promote hope and continuous effort. In short, the entireemotional environment surrounding the prospect of being evaluated must change,especially for perennial low achievers. ??The students' missionis no longer merely to beat other students in the achievement race. At leastpart of their goal must be to become competent. Teachers must believe that allstudents can achieve a certain level of academic success, must bring all oftheir students to believe this of themselves, must?accommodate?the factthat students learn at different rates by making use of differentiatedinstruction, and must guide all students toward the attainment of standards. ??The driving dynamicforce for students cannot merely be competition for an artificial scarcity ofsuccess. Because all students can and must succeed in meeting standards,cooperation and collaboration must come into play. The driving forces must beconfidence, optimism, and persistence-for all, not just for some. All studentsmust come to believe that they can succeed at learning if they try. They musthave continuous access to evidence of what they believe to be credible academicsuccess, however small. This new understanding has spawned increased interestin formative assessment in recent years. Which of the following is likely to be the title of this passage?
A.Formative Assessment
B.Success in Meeting Standards
C.A New Mission of Assessment
D.Limitations of Current School Ranking


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