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发布时间:2023-11-01 23:52:23

[不定项选择题]共用题干 What Makes Me the Weight I Am?
There's no easy answer to this question.Your genetic makeup,the physical traits that get passed down to you from your parents,plays a big part in determining your size and weight. ______(46)But if your parents are smaller than average,you may want to rethink that professional basketball career!
The same goes for your body type.Have you ever heard someone say a person is"big boned"?It's a way of saying the person has a large frame,or skeleton.Big bones usually weigh more than small bones. ______(47) Like your height or body type,your genes have a lot to say about what your weight will be.But that's only part of the story.Being overweight can run in someone 's family , but it may not be because of their genes._______ (48 ) And even though some kids gain weight more easily than others , when they eat right and exercise , most kids can be a healthy and happy weight that's right for them.It's true the way you live can change the way you look.
How much you weigh is a balance between the calories you eat and the calories you use. ______(49)If you spend your free time watching TV, your body won' t use as many calories as it would if you played basketball,skated,or went for a walk.If you are in balance,your weight will stay right for you as you grow.But if you eat more and exercise less,you may become overweight.______(50) ______(50)
A.That's why it's possible for two kids with the same height but different weight,to both be the right weight.
B.If you eat more calories than your body needs to use,you will gain too much weight.
C.Poor eating and exercise habits also run in families and this may be the reason the members.of a family are overweight.
D.However , many overweight people have difficulty reaching their healthy body weight.
E.On the other hand, "you eat less and exercise more, you, may lose weight.
F.If both your parents are tall,there is a good chance you'II be tall.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 What Makes Me the Wei"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 What Makes Me the Weight I Am?
There's no easy answer to this question.Your genetic makeup,the physical traits that get passed down to you from your parents,plays a big part in determining your size and weight. ______(46)But if your parents are smaller than average,you may want to rethink that professional basketball career!
The same goes for your body type.Have you ever heard someone say a person is"big boned"?It's a way of saying the person has a large frame,or skeleton.Big bones usually weigh more than small bones. ______(47) Like your height or body type,your genes have a lot to say about what your weight will be.But that's only part of the story.Being overweight can run in someone 's family , but it may not be because of their genes._______ (48 ) And even though some kids gain weight more easily than others , when they eat right and exercise , most kids can be a healthy and happy weight that's right for them.It's true the way you live can change the way you look.
How much you weigh is a balance between the calories you eat and the calories you use. ______(49)If you spend your free time watching TV, your body won' t use as many calories as it would if you played basketball,skated,or went for a walk.If you are in balance,your weight will stay right for you as you grow.But if you eat more and exercise less,you may become overweight.______(50) ______(49)
A.That's why it's possible for two kids with the same height but different weight,to both be the right weight.
B.If you eat more calories than your body needs to use,you will gain too much weight.
C.Poor eating and exercise habits also run in families and this may be the reason the members.of a family are overweight.
D.However , many overweight people have difficulty reaching their healthy body weight.
E.On the other hand, "you eat less and exercise more, you, may lose weight.
F.If both your parents are tall,there is a good chance you'II be tall.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 What Is Anthrax(炭疽)?

There's been a lot of talk about anthrax on the news lately.Some people are worried
that anthrax may be connected to terrorist attacks or that terrorists may spread the germ that
_______(1)the disease.Federal officials and police are investigating this and taking
________(2)to protect us.
In the meantime,it's important not to panic over anthrax.The chances that you and
your family________(3)at risk are very tiny.One of the ways you can feel better is to
learn about anthrax.When you know what it is and________(4)you can get it,it
doesn't seem quite as scary.
So,what _______(5)is anthrax?
Here are the facts on anthrax:
Anthrax is a bacterial infection caused by a germ.Although it's most common in farm
_______(6),like sheep,cows,pigs,horses,and goats,there's a very small
chance that people can get it,too.
Anthrax spores(抱子)(a version of the germ in a protective shell that can live in the
soil for years)cause the disease.
People may get anthrax if they are exposed to anthrax_______(7).But here's
the important part:just being exposed to these spores doesn't mean that a person will get
For a person to get sick,he would have to breathe in thousands of these spores all the
way into his________(9).Or he'd have to eat meat contaminated with anthrax or
handle_______(10)that has anthrax spores.This may sound scary,but even when
a person comes______(11)contact with the spores,it's unlikely that he'll get sick.
_________(12)the bacteria do not get into the skin,digestive tract,or lung,the
disease won't develop.
Anthrax is not spread from person to person the way the flu can spread from family
member to_________(13)member or classmate to classmate.
Anthrax can almost always be successfully treated with antibiotics(抗生素).
Anthrax is very rare.Until recently,anthrax wasn't even talked about because it was
so rare一and it still________(14)!Even with all of the anthrax cases you are hearing
about right now,a person's chances of getting anthrax are about the______(15)as
they were before you heard about anthrax on the news一very,very low. _________(15)


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