Learning how to turn in homework
assignments on time is one of the invaluable skills that college students can
take with them into the working world. Though the workforce may not assign
homework to its workers in the traditional sense, many of the objectives and
jobs require that employees work with deadlines. The deadlines that students
encounter may be different in content when compared to the deadlines of the
workforce, but the importance of meeting those deadlines is the Failure to meet deadlines in both the classroom and the workforce can mean instant termination. For example, in the classroom, students form a contract with the teacher and the university when they enroll in a class. That contract requires that students complete the assignments and objectives in a specified time to receive a grade and credit for the course. Accordingly, j A. The importance of meeting deadlines. B. The content of the work. C. The length of time completing the objectives. D. The ways .people complete the assignments and objectives. [简答题]案例回顾:2019年6月11日三号线吉祥村站1号电扶梯发生冒烟事件?事件导致列车越站4列次、吉祥村站A口采取只出不进客流控制措施44分钟,受故障影响车站受理单程票退票4张,二维码更新7次,长安通更新3次?
[简答题]坚持总体国家安全观, 必须坚持什么?
[简答题] CRH2型动车组采用的受电弓型号___。
[单选题]在绕线式异步电动机转子回路中,串入电阻是( )。
A.为了改善电动机的启动特性; B.为了调整电动机的速度; C.为了减小运行电流; D.为了减少启动电流。 [单项选择]安全色绿色是提示标志,用于车间内的()、行人和车辆通行标志、消防设备和其他安全防护装置的位置。
A. 危险机器 B. 通道口 C. 机器外部 D. 安全通道 [多选题]安全生产责任制度是单位各项安全生产规章制度及安全管理的( )。
A.核心 B.目标 C.依据 D.基石 [单选题]匿名登录全国被盗抢汽车信息资源库系统后,单击左侧菜单“业务查询”,出现查询菜单,用户可以单击“( )”、“被盗抢登记查询”和“被盗抢撤销查询”等进行查询。
A.快速查询 B.直接查证 C.关联查询 D.快速查证 [单选题]建筑施工劳务分包资质序列企业安全生产管理机构专职安全生产管理人员的配备应不少于()人。
A.2 B.3 C.4 D.6 [单选题]
绝缘电阻表是用于测量(____)绝缘电阻的专用仪表。 A. 电气设备 B. 高压电器 C. 低压电器 D. 二次回路 [单项选择]水池的四周栽了一些树,小贾和小范一前一后朝同一个方向走,他们都边走边数树的棵数,小贾数的第21棵在小范那里是第6棵;小贾数的第8棵在小范那里是第95棵。则水池四周栽了多少棵树
A. 142 B. 137 C. 102 D. 100 我来回答: 提交