Once found almost entirely in the
western United States and in Asia, dinosaur fossils are now being discovered on
all seven continents. A host of new revelations emerged in 1998 that promise to
reshape scientists’ views of dinosaurs, including what they looked like and when
and where they lived. It is doubtful that Tyrannosaurus Rex had lips or that Triceratops had cheeks, says Lawrence Witmer, an assistant professor of anatomy at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. He reached its conclusions by using high-tech computerized axial tomography (CT or CAT) scans along with comparative anatomy studies. For example, the theory that Triceratops and similar dinosaur species had cheeks was based on past comparisons with mammals such as sheep. But Witmer’s careful analysis found the structure of the tricerato A. Tyrannosaurus Rex had lips and Triceratops had cheeks B. dinosaurs might have looked tike mammals such as sheep C. dinosaurs might not have looked like what we thought D. dinosaurs must have looked like birds or crocodiles [单项选择]自备发电机组应采用()制中性点直接接地系统,接地电阻值不得大于4欧。
A. 三相四线 B. 三相五线 C. 两相四线 [判断题]消声器不需要单独安装支吊架。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]
W: I hope we are not late. [判断题]煤气、天然气的生产、储存装置发生泄漏,主要由事故单位专业人员采取工艺措施和技术手段进行处置,公安消防部队力量进行协助、掩护和监护。当事故单位不能采取有效堵漏措施时,公安消防力量独自进行处置。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对肋间神经行程的描述,不正确的是 ( )
A.肋间神经经椎孔穿出 B.在肋角向前,贴近肋沟,走行于肋间内肌与肋间最内肌之间 C.在腋前线前方,行于肋间隙的中间 D.肋下神经行于第12肋下方 E.在腹部,第9~11肋间神经及肋下神经行经腹内斜肌与腹横肌之间 [多选题]( )属于组织结构和气候的压力源。
A.工作过多 B.角色模糊 C.同事关系不融洽 D.决策中缺乏参与 E.领导对工作的限制太多 [多选题]杜某委托装修公司装修新婚用房。装修公司的一个员工在杜某的房屋里自缢身亡。杜某认为,按照民间传统,死过人的房屋不宜作新房,遂起诉装修公司,要求为自己另购新房,并承担违约责任和精神损害赔偿。法院驳回了原告的诉讼请求。关于本案,下列哪些选项是正确的?( )
A.风俗习惯没有法律上的意义 B.法律的正当性与风俗习惯的正当性不能等同 C.该民间传统属于宗教信仰的范畴,应当受到法律的保护 D.法律与人们的传统观念之间存在冲突 [多选题]国家设立由有关部门组成的反恐怖主义工作领导机构,实行( )相结合的原则,依靠、动员所有国家机关、武装力量、社会组织、企业事业单位、村(居)民委员会和个人共同开展反恐怖主义工作。
A.专门工作 B.基层单位 C.上级机构 D.群众路线 [简答题]法国1848年革命的根本原因是什么?
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