Why would anyone want to set aside a
day to honor a lowly little groundhog The answer to that question is not
certain, but a group of people get together every February 2 in Punxsutawney,
Pennsylvania, to watch Punxsutawney "Pete" leave his burrow. What "Pete" does
next, many believe, will indicate whether spring is just around the comer or a
long way off, You see, in Pennsylvania on this date there is usually a great
deal of snow on the ground, and the little animal has been hibernating during
the long, cold winter. He gorged himself during the autumn months and then went
into his burrow for a long sleep, his body fat helping keep him alive. But as he
emerges on February 2, he looks very thin. If the sun is shining brightly and he
sees his shadow, according to legend, it scares him back into his home where he
will stay another si A. If he sees his shadow, it will soon be spring. B. If he sees his shadow, spring will arrive in six weeks. C. If he does not see his shadow, spring will arrive in six weeks. D. If he does not see his shadow, all the snow will disappear immediately. [填空题]( )是指直接或者间接向水体排放的,能导致水体污染的物质。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]患者,女,62岁。外伤后心搏骤停,呼吸困难,需要进行心肺复苏,用药时给药途径不包括()
A. 心内注射 B. 肌内注射 C. 静脉给药 D. 气管内给药 E. 中心静脉滴注 [判断题]燃气轮机防止喘振的方法是关闭可转导叶,打开防喘阀。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]消化道溃疡患者应选用的饮食是
A.高脂肪饮食 B.少量多餐无需定时、定量 C.无刺激、低纤维的食物 D.适量带有刺激性的食物 [多项选择]货币市场中交易的金融工具一般都具有( )等特点。
A. 期限短 B. 期限长 C. 流动性高 D. 流动性低 E. 利率敏感 [单选题]横担安装后,横担端部上、下歪斜不应大于()mm。
A.A、10 B.B、20 C.C、30 D.D、40 [多项选择]
患者男,36岁,因“感冒后急起四肢对称性瘫痪7 d”来诊。神经系统查体:脑神经检查未见异常;四肢肌张力减低,肌力Ⅳ级,四肢腱反射减弱,全身深、浅感觉正常。尿、粪常规:正常。 目前首选的治疗包括(提示实验室检查:血电解质正常,血神经节苷脂抗体(-),脑脊液检查正常。神经传导测定:上下肢周围神经感觉、运动传导测定均正常;双侧正中神经F波潜伏期延长,F波出现率稍下降。)()A. 营养神经 B. 抗生素 C. 抗病毒治疗 D. 静脉注射免疫球蛋白 E. 大剂量激素冲击治疗 F. 环磷酰胺 [单选题]特别重大火灾是指造成( )人以上死亡,或者( )人以上重伤,或者( )亿元以上直接财产损失的火灾。
A.30、100、1 B.20、100、2 C.50、100、1 D.30、80、1 [简答题]保函经营机构收到受益人索赔申请,审核审批结果确有证据证明存在以下情形的,经营机构须书面通知受益人拒绝索赔()。
[单选题]使用单轨小车载运混凝土枕时,一次不得超过( )。
A.一根 B.二根 C.三根 D.四根 [填空题]
阅读下面这篇短文,短文后有2项测试任务:(1)1~4题要求从所给的6个选项中为第 2~5段每段选择1个正确的小标题;(2)第5~8题要求从所给的6个选项中选择4个正确的选项,分别完成每个句子。请将答案写在相应的位置上。
{{B}}The Paper Chase{{/B}}
"Running a house is a lot like running a business." says Stephanie Denton, a professional organizer based in Cincinnati, Ohio, who specializes in both residential and commercial paperwork and record keeping. To get a successful grip on organizing documents, bills, and other materials, Denton suggests the following tips: Create a space in which you can always do your paperwork. This is perhaps the most important element of a successful system. If you can’t devote an entire desk to the task, at least invest in a rolling file cart to store active paperwork and a two-drawer file cabinet for family records. Store the rolling file cart wherever it is most convenient and comfortable to do your work, whether that is the kitchen, office, or family room. When in doubt, thro [判断题]供电调度员要及时发布完成时间和编号并进行记录,发令人填写“隔离(负荷)开关倒闸完成报告单”。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择] A Power 770 customer needs to add additional I/O adapters. There is no room for the cards, so an I/O drawer must be added. What resource will help identify supported I/O drawers and the maximum number of drawers permitted per loop?()
A. I/O Planning Guide B. Power Systems data sheet C. Power Systems Facts and Features D. Run FLRT to recommend I/O features [简答题]A公司需要筹集990万元资金,使用期5年,有两个筹资方案:
(1)甲方案:委托XX证券公司公开发行债券,债券面值为1000元,承销差价(留给证券公司的发行费用)每张票据是51.60元,票面利率14%,每年末付息一次,5年到期一次还本。发行价格根据当时的预期市场利率确定。 (2)乙方案:向XX银行借款,名义利率是10%,补偿性余额为10%,5年后到期时一次还本并付息(单利计息)。 假定当时的预期市场利率(资金的机会成本)为10%,不考虑所得税的影响。 要求: 如果考虑时间价值,哪个筹资方案的成本较低 [判断题] 天然气的主要成分有甲烷、乙烷、丙烷、丁烷等。
A.正确 B.错误 我来回答: 提交