The Bermuda Triangle is one (51) the greatest mysteries of the sea. In this triangular area between Florida, Puerto Rico and Bermuda in Atlantic, ships and airplanes (52) to disappear more often than in (53) parts of the ocean. And they do so (54) leaving any sign of all accident or any dead bodies.
It is (55) that Christopher Columbus was the first person to record strange happenings in the area. His compass stopped working, a flame came down from the sky, and a wave 100 to 200 feet high carried his ship about a mile away.
The most famous disappearance in the Bermuda Triangle was the US Naval Air Flight 19. (56) December 5,1945,five bomber planes carrying 14 men, (57) on a training mission from the Florida coast. Later that day, all communications with Flight 19 were lost. They just disappeared without a trace.
A. as
B. for
C. by
D. from
It is surprising how many expressions
that people use every day tame from the card game poker For ex- ample, you hear
the expression "ace in the hole" used by many who would never think of going
near a poker table. An ace in the hole is any argument, plan or thinking kept
hidden until needed, especially when it can turn failure into success. In poker and most card games, the ace is the highest and most valuable card. It is often a winning card. In one kind of poker game, the first card to each player is dealt face down. A player does not show-this card to the other players. The other cards are dealt face up with the players betting money each time they receive another card. No one knows until the end of the game whose hidden card is the winner. Often, the "ace in the hole" wins the game. Smart card players, especial A. to cheat him B. to guess his under thoughts C. for him to keep secret D. for him to mislead others [判断题]CR400AF型动车组在比例制动模式下,动车组各车辆采用等减速度控制模式,施加常用制动时,TBM统一分配电制动力和空气制动力,各车均施加制动力。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]变电站值班人员不需要取得电工“特殊工种操作证”便可上岗。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列属于食管癌癌前病变的有( )
A.Barrett食管 B.食管乳头状瘤 C.食管基底细胞增生 D.食管上皮内肿瘤 [多选题]向设置网后水塔的配水管网供水的二级泵房,具有下列哪几项特点?( )
A.供水量最高时,二级泵房扬程较高 B.晚间低峰(转输)时,二级泵房扬程较高 C.供水量最高时,二级泵房扬程较低 D.晚间低峰(转输)时,二级泵房扬程较低 [单项选择]某男,56岁,间歇性血尿半年,护士协助医师行膀胱镜检查后,对病人最重要的护理是
A. 卧床休息 B. 多饮水 C. 给予止痛剂 D. 给用抗菌药 E. 酌情给止血药 [单项选择]蜗杆轴承与壳体配合的最大间隙应该()原计划规定的0.02mm。
A. 小于 B. 大于 C. 等于 D. 取规定值 [多项选择]下列属于Windows7自带的输入法的是()。
A. 微软拼音输入法 B. 郑码输入法 C. 全拼输入法 D. 智能ABC输入法 E. 自然码输入法 [判断题]从事故死亡1人判断,此起事故的等级尚未构成重大事故。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]敦煌早期壁画中,山水景物主要用作背景,多出现在()中。
A. 故事画 B. 经变画 C. 佛像画 D. 图案画 [判断题]遇有雨、雪、雾恶劣天气时,一般不进行接触网“V”型天窗作业。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]下列( )点火源可点燃悬浮煤尘。
A.炸药火焰 B.电器火花 C.摩擦火花 D.井下火灾 [单项选择]根据组织模式划分因特网,军事部门域名为______。
A. com B. edu C. int D. mil [判断题]矿山、金属冶炼技术改造项目和用于生产、储存、装卸危险物品的技术改造项目,可以不进行安全评价
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 风机性能调节主要采用( )方式。
A. 变转速 B. 进气节流 C. 排气节流 D. 旁通管路 E. 恒转速 我来回答: 提交