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发布时间:2023-10-15 01:16:25

[单选题]题目 34
The newcomer went to the library the other day and searched for _____they could find about Mark Twain.

更多"[单选题]题目 34The newcomer went to the "的相关试题:


A young man hurried into his town library. He went up to one of the old librarians and said to her eagerly ,"Do you remember that you persuaded me to borrow a book about Greek history a week (21) "
"Yes, that’ s (22) . "answered the librarian.
"Do you remember the name of the (23) . me young man asked. The librarian (24) very proud, because she was always (25) to get young people to take out books about Greek history, and she (26) found one who was willing to accept her suggestions.
"Yes, "she answered. "Do you want to take it (27) again Did you think that it was so interesting"
"No, of course not." Said the young man, "but when I was taking it (28) . I met a girl on the bus. and I (29) her telephone number in the book. I want to (30) her, so may I look at the book again"

A. fell
B. felt
C. were
D. be
[单项选择]Three of them have gone to the library. What about __________

A. the other
B. the others
C. others
[单项选择]About ______ of the books in our school library are written in Chinese.

A. four-fifth
B. four-fifths
C. fourth-fifth
[单项选择]So little()about China that ho could not find Beijing in the world map.
A. the foreigner knew
B. did the foreigner know
C. the foreigner has known
D. has the f0ieigner known
[单选题]题目 72
--Could you tell me ( )? --Talking about festivals.
A. how they are playing
B. what they are doing
C. where they are going
D. why they are practicing
[单选题]题目 3
--Could you please provide us ( ) some information about the accident? --Of course. Anyway it is a sad story.
A. with
B. of
C. from
D. to
[单项选择]Could you tell me

A. how can I get to the shop
B. where she lives
C. where is the toilet
[单项选择]When does the library close on Friday nights

A. 8:30 pm.
B. 9:00 pm.
C. 9:30 pm.
D. 10:00 pm.
[单项选择]The library published a collection of books recently made _________ to the public.

A. acceptable
B. accessible
C. accommodable
D. accountable
[单项选择]The government has provided the capital library with heavy ______ to keep it one of the largest in the world.
A. subscriptions
B. tips
C. subsidies
D. bonuses

All the housewives who went to the new supermarket had one great ambition (strong wish) :to be the lucky customer(顾客) who did not have to pay for shopping. For this was what the notice just inside the entrance promised. It said: "Remember, once a week, one of our customers gets free goods. This may be your lucky day!"
For several weeks, Mrs. Edward’s hoped, like many of her friends, to be the lucky customer. Un like her friends, she never gave up hope. The cupboards in her kitchen were full of things which she did not need. It’s no use her husband trying to persuade her. She dreamed of the day when the manager of the supermarket would come to her and said: "Madam, this is your lucky day. Everything in your basket is free."
One Friday morning, after she had finished her shopping and had taken it to her car, she found that she had forgotten to buy any tea. She dashed back to the supermarket, got the tea and went to ward the ca
A. make her unhappy
B. cheer her up
C. stop her buying things
D. fill all her cupboards

[单项选择]They went on well at first but eventually everything ______ they had worried about happened.

A. which
B. what
C. that
D. when
[单项选择]The secretary went over the table again very carefully for fear of ______ any important dat
A. A. overlookingB. slippingC. ignoringD. skimming
[单项选择]What did he do after he went to Seychelles

A. He worked as a BBC correspondent.
B. He worked as an instructor of journalism.
C. He worked as a dive master.
D. He stayed there as a tourist.
[单项选择]What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Forest

A. The lions were on the brink of extinction.
B. They were suffering from a fatal disease.
C. They allowed him to see their vitality and charm at close quarters.
D. Mother lion and her cub shared a deer.


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