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发布时间:2024-06-19 18:38:19

[单选题] According to Paragraph 2,volunteering is rewarding because . (D)
A. you're able to impact others' lives
B. seeing how you change others' lives is powerful.
C. you can help those in need.
D. All of the above

更多"[单选题] According to Paragraph 2,volu"的相关试题:

[单选题] According to paragraph 3, many students choose the travel because ________.
A. it is a special offer
B.it is cheap
C. it includes Europe’s major cities
D. it is a way of visiting countries around Europe
[单选题] You probably know volunteering is a great way to give back to your community and help those less fortunate, but you may not realize it can benefit your career as well.
Volunteering can help you demonstrate and build skill that can help you land a new job or advance at your currentcompany. It can also show you’re a go-getter who takes initiative to keep busy and make yourself useful.
Voluteering gives an edge in job search. If you are looking for your first job, looking for your next job or changing careers, volunteering is also a great way toavoid gaps in your résumé. Being a volunteer shows that you contribute to yourcommunity and seek different opportunities even when you might not be workin-g.TheService Corporation for National and Community Service has published a report, stating that volunteers without a high-school diploma have a 51 percent higher likelihood of finding employment, and volunteers living in rural areas have a 55 percent higher likelihood of finding employment.
A famous journalist once advised college students to take a gap year just for
Volunteering:”l’ve spent the last few years researching what happens to young p
Eople when they have such an immersive experience in a community radically
Different fromtheir own. The answer, in short, is thatgap yearscan help change
Students in ways the world needs."
Which of the following is true?(B)
A. Volunteers can’t help those less fortunate.
B. People have realized the benefits of volunteering in career.
C. Volunteering shows that volunteers are willing to make themselves useful.
D. Volunteering can definitely help you land a job.
[简答题]ln the course of my volunteering at the hospital l have discovered how to interact with others, learned to respect diversity, realized the importance of service, and gained perspective. (Para.3)
[单选题]Why can volunteering help people find a job?(B)
A. Because volunteers have a perfect résumé.
B. Because it shows employers how positive volunteers are and how much
They careabout their own community.
C. Because employers love to hire people without a high-school diploma.
D. Because employers love to hire people who live in rural areas.
[单选题] How does the man feel about volunteering? (A)
A. It's very challenging but rewarding.
B. It's very tiring but interesting.
C. It's very confusing and tiring.
D. It's very thrilling and interesting.
[单选题]( )Volunteering here is a dream come true _______me.
B. to
C. with
D. at
[单选题]W: How did you get into volunteering, Rick?
M: 8. Well, when I was laid off last year, I didn’t know what to do with myself so I volunteered for these computer classes for the elderly at the day centre twice a week.
W: How do you feel about volunteering?
M: 10. It’s very challenging helping elderly people to use digital technologies. And it’s tiring, too, because they can be very demanding students. 9. A lot of them are a bit scared at first because they’ve never used a computer and they think they’re too
Old to learn something new.
W: Yes, I see.
M: 10. I find out it’s very rewarding to see the results. For instance, one man is now using Skype to keep in touch with his grandkids in Australia. He’s thrilled! In today’s world everything from medical records to phone bills is moving online, which can be confusing for people with no computer skills. I know what they learn here will help
Them. It’s good for the brain, too, to be challenged.
W: Do you think you’ve benefited from volunteering?
M: Without a doubt! 11. Volunteering has helped me improve my communication skills and has given me useful teaching experience, and I’ve learnt to be more patient.
Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
How did the man get into volunteering? (A)
A. He was laid off last year and did not know what to do with himself.
B. He was interested in the computer classes.
C. There was a job vacancy at the day centre.
D. He was asked to help the elderly to use digital technologies.
[多选题]下列哪些天气现象需要编报REW’W’组( )。
[单选题]观测时间前有大阵雨,观测时中雨,REW′W 编报为( )。
[单选题]观测时间前本场有大雨,观测时大雨停止,REW′W′编报为( )。
[单选题] After reading the last paragraph, we may think of ________.
A. Newton’s law
B.Crallilao’s theory of falling objects
C. Einstein’s theory of relativity
D. Marx’s On Capital
[单选题]What is the meaning of "thread" in Paragraph 7? (A)
A.A thin strand of nylon, cotton, etc.
B.A line of thought connecting parts of a story.
C.A very thin thing.
D.To pass thread, string, etc. through.
[单选题] We can infer from paragraph 4 that ________.
A. most bullies just care for themselves
B.most bullies don’t know they are hurting people
C. most bullies stop bullying when they know they are hurting people
D. most bullies conduct hurtful actions
[填空题]according to102
[判断题]According to the Estrada doctrine, automatic recognition will occur so long as the new regime has in fact established itself as the effective government of the country.
[单选题] How can a student stay organized according to the passage?
A. Keep a detailed schedule.
B.Organize class materials.
C. Both A and B
D.Ask professors.
[多选题]According to the doctrine of functional necessity providing justification for diplomatic immunity, which statements are correct?
A. Immunity attaching to diplomatic representatives was regarded as an extension of sovereign immunity.
B. The offices and homes of the diplomatic personnel should be treated as the territory of the sending state.
C. Immunities and privileges enjoyed by diplomats are necessary to effectively conduct diplomatic missions.
D. Diplomatic immunity provides necessary guarantees for the effective function of diplomatic missions on behalf of states.
[多选题]According to the Chicago Convention on International Civil Aviation, aircraft, not engaged in scheduled international air services, of the contracting states:
A. have the right to make flights into the contracting state’s territory.
B. have the right to make flights in transit non-stop across the contracting state’s territory.
C. have the right to make stops in the contracting state’s territory for non-traffic proposes.
D. are subject to the right of the contracting state flown over to require landing.


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