An old woman is going shopping. She is going by
boat. Her basket (篮子) is empty. Oh dear! Her basket is in the water. "Help!" she
says. "Look! My basket is in the river. " A boy sees the basket. He says. "Don’t worry! I can get it! I am a good swimmer (游泳者) He takes off his shirt and shoes and jumps (跳) into the fiver. A duck (鸭子) sees the basket. It gets into the haaket. The boy is swimming in the river. "Where is the basket " be asks. "It’s over them!" says the old womb. "It’s behind you! It’s under the duck The boy swims to the basket. "Go away he says to the duck. The duck jumps out of the basket and swims away. The boy takes the basket to the land. "Oh. thank you!" says the woman. "You are welcome says the boy. "Do you have my shirt and shoes. ptease " "Yes. Here you are. Oh. what’s this in my basket It’s a duck’s egg [单项选择]在编制课程表时,通常在会安排短时间的早读,这充分考虑了学生大脑皮层的哪种功能特性()
A. 动力定型 B. 始动调节 C. 优势法则 D. 镶嵌式活动 E. 保护性抑制 [单选题]省公司发布的家宽质检标准中,投诉竣工质检要求按()进行质检。
A.0.01 B.0.1 C.0.2 D.1 [单项选择]舍格伦综合征的临床表现不包括下列哪一项
A. 口腔黏膜干燥 B. 舌背丝状乳头萎缩 C. 唾液腺萎缩 D. 龋病发生率增加 E. 眼干 [单项选择]
For the (26) month, mysterious falls of large chunks of ice (冰雹) (27) rained down on Spain and Italy. Juana Sanchez, a 70-year-old woman in Almeria, southern Spain, was knocked (28) when she was struck on the shoulder by a falling ice chunk (29) she walked in a street (30) her home. On January 12, just about 200 miles away in Seville, a man narrowly (31) serious injury when a 9-pound ball of ice (32) into his car. (33) the evening of January 27 priests at the Salesian monastery in L’Aquila, Italy were startled by a loud crash. (34) the noise, they discovered a large chunk of ice on their yard, (35) intact. Upon examination, the block of ice (36) in at 2 kilograms and no source (37) . On the same day, about 100 miles northeast in Ancona, Italy, the local officials were called to investigate the report of a man (38) was struck (39) the head by a 1 kilog [多选题]请购开始,直到采购品进厂接收、备发所经过过的时间。具体来购备时间可以分为
A.处理订单时间 B.厂商制备时间 C.运交时间 D.检验收料时间 [填空题]One reason of the low turnout is that the non-voters passively agree to what government is doing.
[多选题]遗失物品中,一般物品包括( )。
A.A、书籍 B.B、食物 C.C、房产证 D.D、衣物 [判断题]在打开的SF6 电气设备上工作的人员,应经专门的安全技术知识培训,配置和使用必要的安全防护用具。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]与原发性肺结核相符的是()。
A. 右肺尖结核病变 B. 肺门空洞病变 C. 肺门、纵隔淋巴结肿大 D. 右上干酪性肺炎 E. 双肺粟粒阴影 [填空题]高速小扭矩马达驱动大扭矩负荷时需配()。
[单选题]单元组合式车窗抗风压性:变形压力差值不大于( )。
A.1 kPa B.1.5 kPa C.2 kPa D.3 kPa [多选题]简易通信方法主要有( )。(易)(应急通信)
A.手、旗语 B.哨、号 C.灯光 D.绳索 [单选题]汽车行驶摆头的原因之一是( )。
A.横直拉杆调整不当 B.轮胎气压过低 C.装载货物前重后轻 [判断题]研究液体相对静止状态时所显示的规律的科学叫做动力学。
[单选题] 钻头寿命终结会引起( )曲线高于正常值的异常,此时应该与钻井工程师沟通了解钻头使用时间和钻头型号等,并观察返砂是否减少,钻时是否急剧增加,如果返砂减少,钻时急剧增加,钻头使用时间较长可判断为钻头寿命终结。
A.套压 B.立压 C.扭矩 D.转盘 [单选题]监控员发现变电站画面各遥测量不刷新、大部分遥信信号错误时,应检查变电站状态监视画面是否为通信中断,若画面显示通信中断,应立即汇报。
A. A.正确 B.B.错误 [单选题]AC/A值测量时需注意
A.AC/A 对45岁以上人群不适用 B.老视患者因集合能力下降而呈现AC/A偏小 C.老视患者因集合能力下降而呈现AC/A偏大 D.老视患者因调节能力下降而呈现AC/A偏小 [判断题]罢免或撤换要求可以口头或书面形式署真实姓名提出,并有根据地陈述理由。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Broca失语症的特点是()
A. 言语不流畅、理解好、复述差 B. 言语流畅、理解差、复述好 C. 言语不流畅、理解差、复述好 D. 言语流畅、理解好、复述差 E. 言语含糊 [单选题]银杏叶对心血管系统的影响是
A.降低心肌耗氧量 B.促进血栓形成 C.增高血管阻力 D.造成心肌再灌注损伤加重 E.收缩血管 我来回答: 提交