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发布时间:2024-07-10 21:13:31

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Where Have All the Frogs Gone?

In the 1980s,scientists around the world began to notice something strange:Frogs
were disappearing. More recent research has shown that many kinds of amphibians(两栖
动物)are declining or have become extinct. They have been around for a long time一over
350 million years.Why are they dying out now?
Scientists are seriously concerned about this question.First of all,amphibians are an
important source of scientific and medical knowledge.By studying amphibians,scientists
have learned about new substances that could be very useful for treating human diseases.
Further research could lead to many more discoveries,but that will be impossible if the
amphibians disappear.
The most serious aspect of amphibian loss,however,goes beyond the amphibians
themselves.Scientists are beginning to think about what amphibian decline means for the
planet as a whole.If the earth is becoming unlivable for amphibians,is it also becoming
unlivable for other kinds of animals and human beings as well?
Scientists now believe that amphibian decline is due to several environmental factors.
One of these factors is the destruction of habitat,the natural area where an animal lives.
Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in their habitat.If they cannot find the right
conditions,they will not lay their eggs一These days,as wild areas are covered with
houses,roads,farms,or factories,many kinds of amphibians are no longer laying eggs.
For example,the arroyo toad(蟾蜍)of southern California will only lay its eggs on the
sandy bottom of a slow-moving stream.There are very few streams left in southern
California,and those streams are often muddy because of building projects. Not
surprisingily,the arrovo toad is now in danaer of extinction.
There are a number of other factors in amphibian decline.Pollution is one of them.In
many industrial areas,air pollution has poisoned the rain,which then falls on ponds and
kills the frogs and toads that live there,In farming areas,the heavy use of chemicals on
crops has also killed off arrtphibians.Another factor is that air pollution has led to increased
levels of ultraviolet (UV) light. This endangers amphibians, which seem to be especially
sensitive to UV light. And finally, scientists have discovered a new disease that seems to
be killing many species of arnpttibians in different parts of the world.
All these reasons for the disappearance of amphibians are also good reasons for more
general concern. The destrriction of land, the pollcition of the air and the water, the
changes in our atmosphere, the spread of diseases-these factors affect human beings,
too. Amphibians are especially sensitive to environmental change. Perhaps they are like
the canary (金丝雀)bird that coal miners once used to take down into the mines to detect
poisonous gases. When the canary became ill or died,the miners knew that dangerous
gases were near and their own lives were in danger. Losing amphibians means losing
A.knowledge about fatal human diseases.
B.knowledge about air and water pollution.
C.a chance to discover new medicines.
D.an opportunity to detect poisonous gases.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇Where Have"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Where Have All the Frogs Gone?

In the 1980s,scientists around the world began to notice something strange:Frogs
were disappearing. More recent research has shown that many kinds of amphibians(两栖
动物)are declining or have become extinct. They have been around for a long time一over
350 million years.Why are they dying out now?
Scientists are seriously concerned about this question.First of all,amphibians are an
important source of scientific and medical knowledge.By studying amphibians,scientists
have learned about new substances that could be very useful for treating human diseases.
Further research could lead to many more discoveries,but that will be impossible if the
amphibians disappear.
The most serious aspect of amphibian loss,however,goes beyond the amphibians
themselves.Scientists are beginning to think about what amphibian decline means for the
planet as a whole.If the earth is becoming unlivable for amphibians,is it also becoming
unlivable for other kinds of animals and human beings as well?
Scientists now believe that amphibian decline is due to several environmental factors.
One of these factors is the destruction of habitat,the natural area where an animal lives.
Amphibians are very sensitive to changes in their habitat.If they cannot find the right
conditions,they will not lay their eggs一These days,as wild areas are covered with
houses,roads,farms,or factories,many kinds of amphibians are no longer laying eggs.
For example,the arroyo toad(蟾蜍)of southern California will only lay its eggs on the
sandy bottom of a slow-moving stream.There are very few streams left in southern
California,and those streams are often muddy because of building projects. Not
surprisingily,the arrovo toad is now in danaer of extinction.
There are a number of other factors in amphibian decline.Pollution is one of them.In
many industrial areas,air pollution has poisoned the rain,which then falls on ponds and
kills the frogs and toads that live there,In farming areas,the heavy use of chemicals on
crops has also killed off arrtphibians.Another factor is that air pollution has led to increased
levels of ultraviolet (UV) light. This endangers amphibians, which seem to be especially
sensitive to UV light. And finally, scientists have discovered a new disease that seems to
be killing many species of arnpttibians in different parts of the world.
All these reasons for the disappearance of amphibians are also good reasons for more
general concern. The destrriction of land, the pollcition of the air and the water, the
changes in our atmosphere, the spread of diseases-these factors affect human beings,
too. Amphibians are especially sensitive to environmental change. Perhaps they are like
the canary (金丝雀)bird that coal miners once used to take down into the mines to detect
poisonous gases. When the canary became ill or died,the miners knew that dangerous
gases were near and their own lives were in danger. Scientists think that the decline of amphibians could
A.cause environmental change.
B.cause a decline in other kinds of animals.
C.be a warning signal for human beings.
D.be a good sign for human beings.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

A Four-day Week

Fancy a three-day weekend一not just once in a while but week in week out? You may think your bosses would never agree to it,but the evidence suggests that employers,employees and the environment all benefit.
The four-day week comes in two flavors.One option is to switch from five 8-hour days to four 10-hour days,meaning overall hours and salaries stay the same.Two years age,the state of Utah moved all of its employees,apart from the emergency services,to working 4/10,as it has become known.The hope was that by shutting down buildings for an extra day each week,energy bills would be cut by up to a fifth.
The full results of this experiment won't be published until October,but an ongoing survey of 100 buildings suggests energy consumption has fallen by around 13 percent. The survey also found that 70 percent of employees prefer the 4/10 arrangement,and that people look fewer days off sick.
The second form of the four-day week is to work the same number of hours per day for four days only,with a 20 percent pay cut. With the recession hutting revenues , accountancy(会计工作) company KPMG announced in February that it was offering its 11,000 U.K. employees the option of a four-day week to avoid job losses.So far 85 percent of employees have applied to join the scheme, and 800 now do a four-day week.
Not everyone will like the idea of working longer days or taking a pay cut in exchange for a 3-day weekend,but it appears most do.According to Rex Facer at Brigham Young University in Provo,Utah,it was the crash of 1929 that led to the five-day week.During the next big financial crisis in the 1970s,there was much talk of moving to a four-day week,but for a variety of reasons that didn't pan out."Things are different now,"says Facer."I wouldn't be surprised if we could get 50 percent or more of the workforce working four-day weeks in the next few years." An ongoing survey shows that_______.
A.employers benefit a lot from the four-day schedule
B.energy use has decreased by 13%in Utah
C.most employees approve of the 4/10 schedule
D.employees work much more efficiently


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