最可能的诊断是(). One of the advantages of being
serf-employed is that the profit the business {{U}} (62) {{/U}} belongs
to the owner. If the self-employed person is successful, he has the chance to
earn a great deal of money, even become wealthy. The profit earned by a
self-employed person is the {{U}} (63) {{/U}} for his effort, ability and
creativity. {{U}} (64) {{/U}}, a second advantage of being serf-employed
is that a person’s intelligence and abilities have a direct {{U}} (65)
{{/U}} on his earnings. People who have outstanding abilities or
intelligence often find they can earn far more through self-employment than they
can through {{U}} (66) {{/U}} as an employee. A third advantage of being
serf-employed is that a person can control both the {{U}} (67) {{/U}} of
hours worked and the hours of work. {{U}} (68) {{/U}} not all
self-employed people are c A. number B. amount C. quality D. quantity [单项选择]进行经济费用效益分析时,对于项目产出物正面效果的计算应遵循的原则是( )原则。
A. 受偿意愿 B. 支付意愿 C. 机会成本 D. 实际价值 [多项选择]下列关于就业歧视的说法中,正确的有()。
A. 用人单位录用女工,不得在劳动合同中规定限制女工结婚、生育的内容 B. 残疾人劳动就业,实行集中就业的方针 C. 传染病病原携带者在治愈前或排除传染嫌疑前,不能从事特定工作 D. 农村劳动者进城就业享有与城镇劳动者平等的劳动权利 [判断题]《牵引变电所安全工作规程》规定:进行远离带电部分的作业时,作业人员和监护人员的安全等级不得低于三级。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]利用电能加热的用具有( )、电蒸炉、电扒炉、电炒锅等。
A. 电烤炉 B. 卡式炉 C. 铁板烧 D. 电冰箱 [单选题]当小时降雨量达到或超过60mm时,动车组列车限速()km/h。
A.120 B.100 C.60 D.45 [单选题]预防和减少血液病病人皮肤黏膜出血的护理措施不包括
A.勤指甲,避免搔抓皮肤 B.不用硬牙刷刷牙,不用牙签剔牙 C.及时用手指或其他方法剥去鼻腔内血痂 D.齿龈及鼻出血时局部用肾上腺素湿润棉片贴敷或填塞 E.不用剃须刀刮胡须 我来回答: 提交