The number of women directors appointed
to corporate boards in the United States has increased dramatically, but the
ratio of female to male directors remains low. Although pressure to
recruit women directors, unlike that to employ women in the general work force,
does not derive from legislation, it is nevertheless real. Although small companies were the first to have women directors, large corporations currently have a higher percentage of women on their boards. When the chairs of these large corporations began recruiting women to serve on boards, they initially sought women who were chief executive officers (CEOs) of large corporations. However, such women CEOs are still rare. In addition, the ideal of six CEOs (female or male) serving on the board of each of the largest corporations is realizable only if every CEO serves on six boards. This rais A. (A) Corporations had greater input on government policies affecting the business community. B. (B) A corporation’s effectiveness in coping with community needs was less likely to affect its growth and prosperity. C. (C) Corporations were less responsive to the financial needs of their employees. D. (D) Corporations were subject to more stringent government regulations. [多选题]高压设备发生接地时,室内人员应距离故障点()m以外,室外人员应距离故障点()m以外。进入上述范围人员应穿绝缘靴,接触设备的外壳和构架时,应戴绝缘手套。
A.4 B.8 C.10 D.12 [判断题]监控系统发生拒遥控、拒遥调操作,不能立即处理者,应汇报值班调度员,并通知自动化人员进行操作,并处理
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]内容:出国留学已经成了高校里的热门话题,为了让同学们更多的了解海外留学的情况,校团委将举行一次讲座。
欢迎大家届时参加。 举办时间:2006年6月20日星期三下午两点半 讲座内容:出国留学 讲座地点:大学生活动中心 主讲人:张铭义教授 主办单位:校团委 通知时间:2006年6月5日 Words for reference: 主办 Under the auspices of 校团委 The Youth League Committee 大学生活动中心 The Students’ Activity Center [单选题]男,42岁,胃溃疡史10年。近2个月上腹疼痛,失去原规律性,伴反酸、嗳气,内科药物治疗疗效不满意,应作下列哪项诊断
A.钡餐透视 B.B超 C.胃酸测定 D.便隠血试验 E.胃镜+活检检查 [判断题]在邻近通航水域进行爆破施工,应在六天前通知港航监督部门。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题] 汽车罐车安全状况等级为3级时,下次全面检验周期为5年。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]以下业务可以通过电子银行业务渠道办理的是( )
A.一类账户交易密码修改及重置 B.卡内资金转账汇款 C.基金、理财及各类存款产品的购买 D.账户余额及明细查询 [单选题]施工用电设施应由取得( )安装维护,严禁私拉乱接,严禁将电线直接钩挂在闸刀上或直接插入插座内使用。
A.运行人员 B.变电站值班长以上人员 C.检修施工安排的电工 D.取得资质的人员 [判断题]隧道塌方后,应先清除塌体,再加固未塌方地段。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]对超过一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程的专项施工方案(含安全技术措施),( )还应按国家有关规定组织专家进行论证、审查。
A.A.业主项目部 B.B.监理项目部 C.C.施工项目部 D.D.施工企业 [单选题]计称砂的细度模数应精确到( )。
A. 0.1 B. 0.01 C. 0.001 [单项选择]
A. in B. up C. away D. on [单选题]关于茶叶中的茶氨酸的主要药理作用,以下选项描述不正确的( )
A.平衡体内的氧 B.参与构成酶、激素等 C.提高机体的免疫力 D.帮助头发自由基 [多项选择]α、β受体的激动药物有( )。
A. 肾上腺素 B. 间羟胺 C. 麻黄碱 D. 去氧肾上腺素 E. 多巴胺 我来回答: 提交