W: What happened to you You are so late.
M: The bus I took broke down in front of a hospital, and I had to walk from there.
There is a window in the office where I
work that overlooks the playground next door. Seated at my desk, I can look out
this window and am rewarded with a most delightful view. Several times during
the day, the students at the elementary school are released to the always ready
play are A. Children of many colors and sizes romp around the grounds, whooping
and hollering and carrying on as children do. I see swings flying in the air,
teeter totters balancing precariously on end, big robber balls earning new
bruises on the blacktop. In the foreground are picnic benches under an aging oak
tree, where little girls come to share secrets and little boys sneak up from
behind to steal them away. As I sit at my desk and observe the frenzied play of these children who are working so hard at being children, I A. a playground B. middle school students C. playing equipment D. plants [单选题]新桅杆组装时,中心线偏差不大于总支承长度的()。;
A.1/1000.; B.1/500.; C.3/1000.; D.1/200.; [判断题]法益侵害性是犯罪最本质的特征。( )
A.入院 B. .转科 C. .手术 D.分娩 E.死亡 [多项选择]对获得三等功以上奖励的个人,在警衔晋升方面的规定是()
A. 对获得三等功以上奖励的士兵可酌情提前晋衔 B. 对获得二等功以上奖励的士官,可酌情提前晋衔或者提高衔级工资档次 C. 对获得一等功以上奖励的警官,可酌情提前晋衔或者提高职务(专业技术)等级工资档次 [单选题]依据《山东高速集团高速公路运管管理服务标准规范(试行)》,事故多发路段()分钟到达现场达标率100%。
A. 15 B. 20 C. 25 D. 30 [单选题]空气中的氧气浓度低于()时,瓦斯与空气混合气体失去爆炸性。
A.20% B.16% C.12% D.14% [多项选择]在确定采购方式、评价方式、合同类型等采购工具时,要根据掌握(),调查了解市场状况。
A. 对象的规模 B. 法律法规 C. 对象的特点 D. 对象的信息 E. 对象的组织方式 [单项选择]低钾血症时,最早出现的临床症状是
A. 腱反射减退 B. 恶心呕吐 C. 腹胀 D. 肌无力 E. 烦躁不安 [单选题]设备供应商作为工程项目的利益关系者,其对项目的要求和期望是( )。
A.项目质量好、见效快 B.优良的工作环境 C.及时提供施工图纸 D.最低限度的使用非标准件 [判断题]《地下防水工程质量验收规范》适用于地下建筑工程、市政隧道、防护工程、地下铁道等防水工程质量的验收。
A.正确 B.错误 [名词解释]预算
A.不可抵赖性 B.完整性 C.保密性 D.可用性 [单项选择]
社会主义市场经济既需要发挥市场调节作用,又要加强国家的宏观调控。加强宏观调控() A. ①②③ B. ②③④ C. ①③④ D. ①②④ 我来回答: 提交