Directions: This part consists of two short passages. In these
passages, there are altogether 20 mistakes. You may have to change a word, add a
word or delete a word. If you change a word, cross it out and write the correct
word in the corresponding blank. If you add a word, put an insertion mark ( ∧ )
in the right place and write the missing word in the blank. If you delete a
word, cross it out and put a slash (/) in the blank.
The improbable chain of events that leads Alexander Fleming
1. ______
to discover
penicillin in 1928 is the stuff which scientific myths 2.
are made. It was a discovery that would change the course
of the history. The active ingredient in that mold, which
named penicillin, turned to be an
infection-fighting agent of 3. ______
enormous potency. When it was finally recognized as what it
was--the efficacious life-saving drug in the world--penicillin
4. ______
would a
[单选题]( )岗负责对切断产生的废丝进行处理,处理到与当前品种长度相同。
A. 明确调查目的
B. 确定调查指标
C. 确定调查对象
D. 制定调查表
E. 确定调查方法
[多选题]《安全生产法》规定,生产经营单位的安全生产管理机构以及安全生产管理人员应当履行下列职责( )
A. 组织或者参与拟订本单位安全生产规章制度、操作规程和生产安全事故应急救
B. 组织或者参与拟订本行业安全生产规章制度、操作规程和生产安全事故应急救
C. 组织或者参与本单位安全生产教育和培训,如实记录安全生产教育和培训情况
D. 督促落实本单位重大危险源的安全管理措施
E. 组织或者参与本单位应急救援演练
[判断题]( )电器设备失火应选择水灭火器。
[单选题]原型RD0、RD10型轮对轴颈与轴承内套过盈量:( )
A.0.040~0.090 mm
B.0.060~0.070 mm
C.0.040~0.070 mm
D.0.040~0.060 mm
[单项选择]不符合1岁小儿正常生长发育情况的是( )
A. 体重9kg
B. 身高75cm
C. 胸围44cm
D. 乳牙6颗
E. 头围46cm
[单项选择]Tattoos didn"t spring up with the dawn of biker gangs and rock "n" roll bands. They"ve been around for a long time and had many different meanings over the course of history.
For years, scientists believed that Egyptians and Nubians were the first people to tattoo their bodies. Then, in 1991, a mummy was discovered, dating back to the Bronze Age of about 3,300 B.C. "The Iceman", as the specimen was dubbed, had several markings on his body, including a cross on the inside of his knee and lines on his ankle and back. It is believed these tattoos were made in a curative effort.
Being so advance, the Egyptians reportedly spread the practice of tattooing throughout the world. The pyramid-building third and fourth dynasties of Egypt developed international nations with Crete, Greece, Persia and Arabia. The art tattooing stretched out all the way to Southeast Asia by 2,000 B.C. Around the same time, the Japanese became interested in the art but only for its decorative attributes, as opposed to magical ones. The Japanese tattoo artists were the undisputed masters. Their use of colors, perspective, and imaginative designs gave the practice a whole new angle. During the first millennium A.D., Japan adopted Chinese culture in many aspects and confined tattooing to branding wrongdoers.
In the Balkans, the Thracians had a different use for the craft. Aristocrats, according to Herodotus, used it to show the world their social status. Although early Europeans dabbled with tattooing, they truly rediscovered the art from when the world exploration of the post-Renaissance made them seek out new cultures. It was their meeting with Polynesian that introduced them to tattooing. The word, in fact is derived from the Polynesian word tattau, which means "to mark".
Most of the early uses of tattoos were ornamental. However, a number of civilizations had practical applications for this craft. The Goths, a tribe of Germanic barbarians famous for pillaging Roman settlements, used tattoos to mark their slaves. Romans did the same with slaves and criminals.
In Tahiti, tattoos were a rite of passage and told the history of the person"s life. Reaching adulthood, boys got one tattoo to commemorate the event. Men were marked with another style when they got married.
Later, tattoos became the souvenir of choice for globetrotting sailors. Whenever they would reach an exotic locale, they would get a new tattoo to mark the occasion. A dragon was a famous style that meant the sailor had reached a "China station". At first, sailors would spend their free time on the ship tattooing themselves and their mates. Soon after, tattoo parlors were set up in the area, surrounding ports worldwide.
In the middle of the 19th century, police officials believed that half of the criminal underworld in New York City had tattoos. Port areas were renowned for being rough places full of sailors that were guilty of some crime or another. This is most likely how tattoos got such a bad reputation and became associated with rebels and delinquents.According to the passage, tattoos were adopted for all of the following purposes EXCEPT ______.
A. to treat the disease
B. to challenge social mores
C. to record the footprints of one"s life
D. to adorn oneself
[多选题]桥梁常用的基础类型有:( )。