Early American industries depended
largely on skilled artisans working in small shops to serve a local market. But
the Industrial Revolution that started in England during the 18th century did
not take long to cross the Atlantic. It brought many changes to American
industry between 1776 and 1860. Because labor was scarce in the United States
and wages were high, employers welcomed any new method that could reduce the
requirement for labor. One key development was the introduction of the factory system, which gathered many workers together in one workplace and produced goods for distribution over a wide area. The first factory in the United States is generally date A. built by an American engineer named Henry Ford. B. built by an American named Eli Whitney. C. built by an Englishman who built it from memory. D. built by an American who wanted to build a cotton cloth factory. [判断题]波普文化源于英文popular(流行的大众的)的缩写“pop”,即流行艺术、大众艺术。
A. 925.47 B. 960.26 C. 957.57 D. 985.62 [单项选择]
关系R(A,B,C,D)和S(B,C,D)进行笛卡尔运算,其结果集为()元关系。三个实体及它们之间的多对多联系至少应转换成()个关系模式。 关系R(A,B,C,D)和S(B,C,D)进行笛卡尔运算,其结果集为()元关系。A. 3 B. 5 C. 6 D. 7 [单项选择]油品在标准条件下被加热到一定温度,当火焰接近时即发生燃烧,且着火时间不少于()s。达到这种情况的最低温度称为该油品的燃点。
A. 1 B. 3 C. 5 D. 10 [多选题]下列属于建筑工程项目安全目标管理的要素有( ).
A.目标确定 B.目标标准 C.目标分解 D.检查考核 E.目标实施 [单项选择]One afternoon Mary was walking from her house to the seaside (海边,海滨 ) (41) she saw a small boy (42) along the street towards her. When he came (来, 出现) near her, she was (43) to see it was Tom, her little brother.
"Hello, Tom," Mary shouted to him. "Why are you running like that " Tom couldn’t stop, (44) he waved to his sister and shouted "I’m trying (45) two boys (46) fighting." Mary was surprised again, she laughed and said, "That’s an important (47) for a little boy, (48) You don’t do things like that very often. Who are the two boys " "They are Jim and me," answered Tom, when he (49) down (50) very quickly. A. to run B. running C. ran [单选题]单选题:站内线间设有高柱信号机时,相邻两线(含正线)均需通行超限货物列车,线间最小距离为()。
A.4000mm B.4200mm C.5000mm D.5300mm 我来回答: 提交