The wave of job cuts sweeping through
the utility sector gathered pace yesterday with 800 more redundancies planned by
two electricity groups joining forces in order to meet regulator’s price demands
and improve efficiency. Trade unions expressed anger that the announcement by two foreign-owned utilities, London Electricity and Eastern Electricity, came during the period immediately before Christmas. They noted that it arrived on the back of nearly.1,300 other job losses in this sector since early October. Half of the 160,000 jobs in the electricity sector have gone si A. the remaining employers should undertake business activities B. the remaining employers will work hard for the company C. the remaining employers may lose their jobs in the future D. the remaining employers may get high wages [单选题]抗洪抢险中转移群众时,所有乘员应( )。
A. 穿着救生衣 B. 人员之间手拉手 C. 严禁饮水进食 D. 面向行驶方向 [单项选择]The workers ______ a library for our university this month.
A) are building C) built B) build D) had built [填空题]春秋战国时期,水上运输已十分频繁,港口应运而生,当时已有渤海沿岸的()。
A.放射源的微型化 B.遥控后装 C.高剂量率 D.微机进行优化治疗计划设计 E.有以上四个特点 [填空题]动物体内高能磷酸化合物的生成方式有( )和( )两种
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]勇于实践、艰苦奋斗是实现理想的根本途径,下面关于艰苦奋斗的表述,不正确的是( )。
A.艰苦奋斗的主旨在于奋斗,其价值在于为事业而奉献 B.艰苦奋斗是老一辈的事,当代青年不需要艰苦奋斗 C.艰苦奋斗的说法和人追求自由自觉的本质是背道而驰的 D.艰苦奋斗始终是实现国家富强、民族振兴的强大精神力量 [简答题]32E3041 画出简易真空滤油管路连接示意图,并标出各元件的名称。
[单选题]墙面板按设计图示尺寸的铺挂面积计算,不扣除( )所占面积。
A.门洞 B.窗洞 C.单个0.3m2以外的孔洞口 D.单个0.3m2以内的孔洞 [简答题]简述绩效预算模式及其要点。
[单选题]依据《条例》规定,铁路交通事故分为特别重大事故、重大事故、( )事故和一般事故四个等级。
A.大 B.较大 C.重要 [单选题]境内居民和境内非居民通过境内银行从( )收到款项和对( )支付款项时,以及境内居民通过境内银行与境内非居民发生收付款时,应及时.准确.完整地进行国际收支统计申报。
A. 保税区 B. 境外 C. 出口加工区 D. 上海钻石交易所 我来回答: 提交