Passage Four
President George W. Bush 布什总统 George W. Bush is the 43rd President of the United States. He was sworn into office on January 20, 2001, re-elected on November 2, 2004, and sworn in for a second term on January 20, 2005. Prior to his Presidency, President Bush served for 6 years as the 46th Governor of the State of Texas, where he earned a reputation for bipartisanship and as a compassionate conservative who shaped public policy based on the principles of limited government, personal responsibility, strong families, and local control. President Bush was born on July 6, 1946, in New Haven, Connecticut, and grew up in Midland and Houston, Texas. He received a bachelor’s degree in history from Yale University in 1968, and then served as an F-102 fighter pilot A. to start the preparations for his own campaign for US presidency B. to buy the Texas Rangers baseball franchise C. to begin a career in the energy business D. to study for a Master of Business Administration [填空题]( )线及( )线上,禁止停留机车车辆。
[单项选择]若FTP地址写为ftp://test:123@,则该地址中的“test”的含义是FTP服务器的 (42) 。若FTP地址为ftp://,则该地址对应连接的FTP服务器用户名字为 (43) 。
A. USER B. USERS C. anonymous D. Ftp [简答题]相须和相使的主要区别是什么?
A.单向 B.双向 C.三向 [单选题]反映电力线路电流增大而动作的保护为:()。
A. 小电流保护 B. 过电流保护 C. 零序电流保护 D. 过负荷保护 [判断题]已安装并激活ETC设备的货车,如无称重数据也可直接通行ETC车道。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]根据相关司法解释的规定,建设工程未经竣工验收,发包人擅自使用后,又以使用后的( )工程质量不符合约定为由主张权利的,法院应予以支持。
A.主体结构 B.电气 C.装饰 D.暖通 [单选题]金融机构应当依照反洗钱法规定建立健全( )制度
A.大额交易 B.反洗钱内部控制 C.现金交易 D.资金结算 [单项选择]即可采用硬枝扦插有可采用嫩枝扦插的园艺植物是()
A. 葡萄 B. 石榴 C. 柑橘 D. 无花果 [单项选择]债券远期市场对话报价交谈时,下面哪项是不可以更改的?()
A. 远期净价 B. 券面总额 C. 结算方式 D. 债券代码 [多选题]起草培训配套的激励制度时,主要包括( )方面的基本内容。
A.完善的岗位任职资格要求 B.公平、公正、客观的业绩考核标准 C.公平竞争的晋升规定 D.以能力和业绩为导向的分配原则 E.考核评估的晋升制度 [单项选择]年终决算前进行的财产清查属于( )。
A. 局部清查和定期清查 B. 全面清查和定期清查 C. 全面清查和不定期清查 D. 局部清查和不定期清查 [单选题]建立严格监管所有污染物排放的环境保护管理制度。对严重污染环境的工艺.设备和产品实行( )制度。
A.修复 B.限制 C.禁止 D.淘汰 我来回答: 提交