Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind
her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after
them very carefully, and when summer came they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, "Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we can eat them. "But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, "Mum, Mum! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables!" Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables. Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a parcel (bt). In it was a beautiful fat duck, and on [判断题]300型列控车载设备GSM-R车顶天线属于通信维护
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]竞争性竞赛的比赛方法可归()、()、()、()为四类。
A.拆除接线 B.报告上级 C.关机 D.切断电源 [简答题]在工作间断期间,若有紧急需要,运维人员可在工作票未交回的情况下合闸送电,但应先通知工作负责人,在得到工作班全体人员已经离开工作地点、可以送电的答复后方可执行,并应采取下列()措施。
A. 节温器的功能是在发动机起动后暖机,以便调节冷却液温度。 B. 节温器提高了冷却液的沸点并对其加压。 C. 节温器通过改变冷却液浓度来调节其温度。 [多项选择]对公安机关作出的()行政处罚,违法嫌疑人有要求举行听证的权利。
A. 吊销许可证或者执照 B. 责令停产停业 C. 对个人处以2000元以上罚款 D. 对单位处以1万元以上罚款 [单项选择]可作包衣增塑剂的是
A. 单硬脂酸甘油酯 B. 乙基纤维素 C. HPMC D. 硅橡胶 E. 蓖麻油 [单选题]She is a highly successful teacher.
A.fairly B.rather C.very D.moderately [判断题]油浸式变压器必须在设备底部取样阀取样。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]社会测量的()是指测量数据与资料与结论的可靠性,即测量根据能否稳定地测量到它要测量的事项的程度。
A. 程度 B. 尺度 C. 效度 D. 信度 [单选题]以下下列情况,哪种情况下可以办理正式竣工结算( )。
A.擅自改变工程建设规模的 B.改变初步设计审批原则未经原审批单位同意的 C.施工结算费用超过概预算施工费的 D.未执行设计变更管理规定和资料不完整的 [填空题]挖掘机推土铲操作杆位于( ),须与切换杆搭配使用。
[单选题]在正线、到发线及与其衔接而无隔开设备的线路上手推调车时,须经( )准许,且仅限在本线内移动。
A.列车调度员 B.车站值班员 C.调车区长 D.值班站领导 [单项选择]
The northern parts of the United States get very cold in the winter. It snows a great deal and the temperature often goes (21) zero degree in January, (22) and March. But the northeastern and northcentral regions of (23) have been financial and industrial centers, and they are heavily polluted. [多项选择]关于储金球的说法中正确的是()
A. 可补偿合金凝固收缩 B. 可避免铸件收缩 C. 直径略大于铸件蜡型最厚处 D. 位置距蜡型1mm E. 应在铸圈的温度中心区 [单项选择]