The World Health Organization (WHO) is
in trouble. Its leader is accused of failing to lead, and as the
organization drifts, other bodies, particularly the World Bank, are setting the
global health agenda. Western governments want the WHO to set realistic
targets and focus its energy on tackling major killers such as childhood
diseases and tobacco. The WHO clearly needs to set priorities. Its total budget of $0.9 billion--around 10 percent for each man, woman and child in the world--cannot solve all the world’s health problems. Yet its senior management does not seem willing to narrow the organization’s focus. Instead it is trying to be all things to all people and losing dependability. Unfortunately, the argument for priority setting is being seriously undermined by the US, one of the chief advocators of change. The US i A. The International Labor Organization. B. The Food and Agriculture Organization. C. The World Health Organization. D. The World Bank. [单项选择]与青霉素G比较,阿莫西林的特点是()。
A. 对革兰氏阳性菌作用强 B. 对革兰氏阴性杆菌作用强 C. 对β-内酰胺酶稳定 D. 对耐药金黄色葡萄球菌有效 E. 对铜绿假单胞菌有效 [判断题]为了防止触电可采用绝缘、防护、隔离等技术措施以保障安全。
A.正确 B.错误 [填空题]刑事影像技术的总体作用包括( )犯罪现场,( )犯罪痕迹物证;检验、鉴定有关痕迹物证;刑事诉讼中的证据以及发动群众,震慑犯罪。
A.“前四史”是指《史记》《战国策》《汉书》《后汉书》 B.“民间四大传说”是指《牛郎织女》《孟姜女》《梁山伯与祝英台》《白蛇传》 C.“四大古典戏剧”是指《窦娥冤》《两厢记》《牡丹亭》《孽海花》 D.“四大古典文学名著”是指《三国演义》《水浒传》《红楼梦》《西游记》 [名词解释]变星
A.人身伤亡后所支付的医疗费 B.人身伤亡后所支付的补助救济费 C.人身伤亡后所支付的丧葬 D.人身伤亡后所支付的抚恤费用、歇工工资等 E.善后处理费用 F.财产损失价值 [单选题]职业病防治工作坚持预防为主、防治结合的方针,建立用人单位负责、行政机关监管、行业自律、职工参与和社会监督的机制,实行( )。
A.安全第一、常抓不懈 B.分类管理、综合治理 C.综合管理、分类治理 D.属地管理、综合治理 [单选题]司机发现(或接到通知)邻线发生障碍,应向邻线上的列车发出( )信号。 J461
A.警报 B.呼唤 C.紧急停车 我来回答: 提交