{{B}}Passage Three Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}} |
A small piece of fish each day may keep
the heart doctor away. That’s the finding of an extensive study of Dutchmen in
which deaths from heart disease were more than 50 percent lower among those who
consumed at least an ounce of salt water fish per day than those who never ate
fish. The Dutch research is one of three human studies that give strong scientific backing to the long held belief that eating fish can provide health benefits, particularly to the heart. Heart disease is the number-one killer in the United States, with more than 550,000 deaths occurring from heart attacks each year. But researchers previously have noticed that the incidence (发生率) of heart disease is lower in cultures that consume more fish than Americans do. There are fewer heart disease deaths, for example, among the Eskimos of Greenland, who consume about 14 ou A. an apple B. a tomato C. a banana D. a small piece of fish [单选题]二级普通消防站人员配备数量为( )。
A.15 B.15-25 C.30-45 D.40-55 [多选题]下列选项中属于卫星接收天线设备系统调试内容的是( )。
A.根据所接收的卫星参数调整卫星接收天线的方位角和仰角 B.完成网络规划和配置方案,并应经会审批准 C.测试天线底座接地电阻值 D.完成网络安全方案的制定,并应经会审批准 E.完成硬件.软件的安装与连接工作的检査 [单选题]对不可知论最有力的驳斥是指出( )
A.外部世界是可以被人感知的 B.人们能够透过现象揭示本质 C.实践的成功能够证明认识正确 D.感性认识可以上升到理性认识 [单选题]( )适用于国家铁路和与国家铁路办理直通业务的其他铁路
A.客规 B.技规 C.细则 D.价规 [多选题]以下工作应使用调度第二种检修申请单的是( )
A.检修申请单所对应的工作不需要改变或限制一次设备状态 B.检修申请单所对应的工作需要改变一次设备状态 C.保护、安自、通信、自动化等设备上的不需要一次设备停电的检修工作 D.保护、安自、通信、自动化等设备上的不需要一次设备停电的带电作业工作 [单选题]输电线路的建设工作分准备工作、施工安装、( )三个阶段。
A.启动验收 B.现场调查 C.竣工验收 [多选题]“十四五”时期经济社会发展主要目标包括六个方面,下列其中属于六个方面的选项是( )。
A.经济发展取得新成效 B.改革开放迈出新步伐 C.社会文明程度得到新提高 D.国防和军队现代化水平进一步提高 E.国家治理效能得到新提升 [判断题]漏电保护器的保护范围应是独立回路,不能与其他线路有电气上的连接。一台漏电保护器容量不够时,不能两台并联使用,应选用容量符合要求的漏电保护器。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]调车车列在平交道口与公共汽车相撞,造成乘客2人死亡,重伤15人,属于铁路交通()事故。
A.特别重大 B.路外伤亡 C.重大事故 D.较大 [单选题]客货共线铁路,换装线的线间最小距离规定为( )。
A.3600mm B.4000mm C.4600mm D.5000mm [单项选择]OSI参考模型是由下列选项中哪些组织提出的:()
A. IEEE B. 美国国家标准局(ANSI) C. EIA/TIA D. IBA E. ISO [多选题] 对触电者的急救以下说法正确的是( )
A.立即切断电 吏触电者脱离电源 B.迅速测量触电者体温 C.使触电者俯卧 D.迅速判断伤情,对心搏骤停或无意识者,立即心肺复苏 [单选题] 村卫生室健康教育资料每年应不少于( )种。
A. 8 B. 24 C. 12 D. 4 [单项选择]当结构或构件出现下列( )状态时,即认为超过了承载能力极限状态。
A. 挠度超过允许值 B. 在反复荷载作用下发生疲劳破坏 C. 裂缝超过允许值 D. 出现了影响正常使用的过大振动 [多选题]槽盒按材质不同可分为( )。
A.有机难燃型槽盒 B.无机不燃性槽盒 C.复合难燃型槽盒 D.金属槽盒 [多选题]参与管理有时被推崇为治疗士气低落和生产力低下的灵丹妙药,但推行参与管理要有成效必须符合下列( )的条件。
A.在行动前,要做好充分的准备 B.在行动前,要有充裕的时间来进行参与 C.员工参与的问题必须与其自身利益相关 D.参与不应使员工和管理者的地位和权利受到威胁 E.组织文化必须支持员工参与 [单项选择]We don’t have beds in the space shuttle, but we do have sleeping bags. During the day, when we are working, we leave the bags tied to the wall, out of the way. At bed- time we untie them and take them wherever we’ve chosen to sleep.
On most space shuttle flights everyone sleeps at the same time. No one has to stay awake to watch over the space plane; the shuttle’s computers and the engineers at Mission Control do that. ff anything goes wrong, the computers ring an alarm and the engineers call us on the radio. On the space shuttle, sleeping-time doesn’t mean nighttime. During each ninety- minute orbit the sun "rises" and shines through our windows for about fifty minutes; then it "sets" as our path takes us around the dark side of the Earth. To keep the sun out of our eyes, we wear black sleep masks. It is surprisingly easy to get comfortable and fall asleep in space. Every astronaut sleeps differently. Some sleep upside down, some right side up. When it’s time to s A. take care of B. look at C. see D. pay attention to [判断题]居民客户电量电费退补应首先确定实际电量总额和对应的居民阶梯电价时间周期。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]How she wishes she ______more attention to her lessons when she was at school!
A. have paid B. paid C. had paid D. has paid [判断题]王某实施了盗窃违法行为,后向公安机关主动投案,如实陈述盗窃行为,对于王某应当减轻处罚或者不予处罚。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]股骨颈骨折表现()。
A. 屈曲、内收畸形 B. 屈曲、内收、内旋畸形 C. 外旋、缩短畸形 D. 屈曲、内旋畸形 E. 屈曲、外展、外旋畸形 [多项选择] You are a network administrator for All servers run Windows Server 2003. A server named Testking6 runs an application named App1. Testking6 has one network adapter installed. App1 uses a large amount of network bandwidth per client connection. You suspect the network connection on Testking6 is running out of available network capacity. You need to view how much total network bandwidth is being used on Testking6. What are two possible ways to achieve this goal?() (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two)
A. Use System Monitor to configure the Network Interface object. B. Run the netstat command. C. In Task Manager, monitor the Networking tab. D. Use Network Monitor to configure a capture filter for the local area connection. [单选题]液压防喷器型号“FH35-35”中第一个“35”的含义是( )。
A.压力等级35MPA. B.公称通径350mm; C.公称通径346mm; D.防喷器外径346mm。 [判断题]电气触头过热是因为触头压力不足,触头表面氧化或油垢过多造成的,与触头容量无关。
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]以下关于线性盈亏平衡分析前提条件的说法中,不正确的是( )。
A. 生产量等于销售量 B. 生产量变化,销售单价不变,从而使销售量收入成为销售量的线性函数 C. 单位可变成本变化,生产量不变,从而使总生产成本成为生产量的线性函数 D. 只生产单一产品,或者生产多种产品,但可换算为单一产品计算 我来回答: 提交