Until the late 1940s, when television
began finding its way into American homes, companies relied mainly on print and
radio to promote their products and services. The advent of television
(1) a revolution in product and service. Between 1949 and 1951,
advertising on television grew 960 percent. Today the Internet is once again
(2) promotion. By going online, companies can communicate
instantly and directly with prospective customers. (3) on the
World Wide Web includes advertising, sponsorships, and sales promotions
(4) sweepstakes, contests, coupons, and rebates. In 1996
World Wide Web advertising revenues (5) $ 300
million. Effective online marketers don’t (6) tr A. loyalty B. credit C. prestige D. diversity [判断题]一张工作票中,工作票签发人、工作许可人和工作负责人三者不得为同一人。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题] 转盘扭矩( )视为工程参数异常。(出自Q/SY128-2020)
A.小幅度波动 B.大幅度波动 C.呈趋势性增大 D.呈趋势性减小 [单选题]勤务辅警履行职责期间,应当配备必要的( )装备。
A.保护 B.进攻 C.执勤和安全防护 D.防护 [简答题]根据《国网营销部关于开展分布式光伏发电“骗补”专项整治行动的通知》(营销营业〔2017〕20号),请论述光伏发电项目补贴核查的工作方法。
A.0.10 B.0.15 C.0.2 D.0.25 [单项选择]下列各项中,不应计入财务费用的是()。
A. 银行承兑汇票的手续费 B. 发行股票的手续费 C. 外币应收账款的汇兑损失 D. 销售商品的现金折扣 [单项选择]着眼于员工“他这个人怎么样”的绩效考评属于( )考评。
A. 行为主导型 B. 效果主导型 C. 态度主导型 D. 品质主导型 [判断题]油浸式变压器的散热器拆卸后,应用盖板将蝶阀封住。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]依据《中国南方电网有限责任公司电力安全工作规程》,等电位工作人员在(),应得到工作负责人的许可。电位转移时,人体裸露部分与带电体的距离不应小于规定。
A.相间短路前 B.电位转移前 C.绝缘措施完成 [单项选择]“不愤不启,不悱不发”的思想最早出自()
A. 《中庸》 B. 《礼记》 C. 《论语》 D. 《学记》 [判断题]有铸牢理想信念之魂,才能经受得住各种考验,创造人生事业的辉煌。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]化工企业中,管道的连接方式只有焊接与螺纹连接等二种。()
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]Some people enjoy sitting on the second floor of a big bus because ______. [A] it is no danger [B] there are fewer people there [C] they can have a better view of the city
{{B}} Questions 47 to 56 are based on the following
Since we are social beings, the quality of our lives depends in large measure on our interpersonal relationships. One strength of the human condition is our tendency to give and receive support from one another under {{U}} (47) {{/U}} circumstances. Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people {{U}} (48) {{/U}} on their interpersonal ties. Those of us with strong support systems appear better able to cope with major life changes and daily hassles. People with strong social ties live longer and have better health than those without such ties. Studies over a {{U}} (49) {{/U}} of illnesses from depression to heart disease, {{U}} (50) {{/U}} that the presence of social support helps people fend off illnesses, and the {{U}} (51) {{/U}} of such support makes poor health more likely. Social support cushions stress in a number ways. First, friends, rel [单项选择]治疗瘀血时加用理气药的机制是()
A. 气能生血 B. 气能行血 C. 气能摄血 D. 血能生气 E. 血能载气 [单选题]甲流窜于多个省.市实施十余起强奸.抢劫案件,现被逮捕羁押,甲被逮捕后的侦查羁押期限最长为()。
A.5个月 B.4个月 C.6个月 D.7个月 [填空题]安全防护人员(现场防护员、驻站联络员)当班饮酒并担当防护工作的,一经发现,给予<--NRC-->并依法解除劳动合同。
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]商业票据收款人,应设置“应收票据备查簿”,登记票据有关资料。()
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]正常人尿中不可以出现的管型是( )
A.红细胞管型 B.白细胞管型 C.颗粒管型 D.透明管型 E.蜡样管型 [判断题]典型设计按海拔高度 1000m 及以下考虑,1000m至4000m 根据修正参数自行校验。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]使用举高消防车救人时,工作平台严禁超载,平台上人员必须进行()
A.支撑保护 B.绑定保护 C.绑定防护 D.固定防护 [单选题]()是指机务、车辆、工务、电务等段专用并由其管理的线路。
A.正线 B.牵出线 C.段管线 D.岔线 [简答题]选择酸碱指示剂的原则是什么
A. 磁路 B. 无载电路 C. 有载电路 D. 高电压 [单选题]开工前,工作负责人或工作票签发人应重新核对现场勘察情况,发现与原勘察情况有变化时,应及时修正、完善相应的()。
A.施工方案 B.组织措施 C.技术措施 D.安全措施 我来回答: 提交