Autonomous robots are able to move and
decide by themselves. At a simple level, these can include robot vacuum cleaners
that "decide" what to react to human behaviors without human
intervention. The University of the West of England’s David McGoran takes his Heart Robot on a touchy feely tour, allowing it to come face to face with a spider-like robot built by Matt Denton of Micromagic Systems. Both robots are being displayed at the London Science Museum until July 31st. The heart robot that "enjoys" being hugged and stroked could be among the first robots to signify a new era of "emotional machines" used for medical treatment and enjoyment, according to one of its inventors. It has a beating heart which rises when the body is shaken, but slows down when treated calmly. In addition, Heart’s eyes flutter in respon A. he wants to take his robot on a touchy feely tour B. he wants to see Matt Denton C. he wants to show the spider-like robot D. heart robot will be displayed there [判断题]网卡的速度为100Mbps,即每秒钟传输100M个字节。
A. 枫树 B. 碉楼 C. 泉眼 D. 竹桥 [单选题]日光浴一般于婴儿早餐后()。
A.0.5小时为宜 B.1~1.5小时为宜 C.2~2.5小时为宜 D.2.5~3小时为宜 E.3~3.5小时为宜 [多选题] 催泪喷射器携带检查及注意事项包括()。
A. 携带前,摇晃瓶身,确认容器内仍有液体 B. 检查喷剂是否在有效期内 C. 喷射一次确保喷嘴没有阻塞物 D. 检查喷嘴与瓶身的链接处是否牢固,喷嘴是否清洁 [单项选择]关于中外合资经营企业和中外合作经营企业的董事会议事规则,下列说法中正确的是:( )
A. 中外合资经营企业的董事会会议每年至少召开两次 B. 中外合作经营企业修改章程,企业的终止、解散,注册资本的增减以及企业的合并、分立等事项须经全体董事一致通过方可作出决议 C. 中外合资经营企业的资产抵押须经董事会出席会议的董事一致通过方可作出决议 D. 中外合作经营企业董事会的董事或联合管理委员会的委员无正当理由不参加会议又没有委托他人代表其参加会议的,视为出席会议并在表决中投了弃权票 [单项选择]以下不属于金融监管三道防线的是( )。
A. 预防性风险管理 B. 市场约束 C. 存款保险制度 D. 最后信贷制度 [判断题]维修人员需要进入安防关键区域实施维修作业之前,在执行上述系统内安全准入要求的同时,必须由条线人员或关键区域相关人员陪同,留存身份证复印件。
A.正确 B.错误 [多项选择]建筑工程设计过程可分为()。
A. 初步设计 B. 技术设计 C. 施工图设计 [判断题]教育救助具有很强的反贫困功能。
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