From: Tom Evans
To: All attendees
Subject: Conference program
Dear attendees,
Thank you very much for (21) the 3rd Annual Trade Marketing Conference. This promises to be an exciting and informative event, and I look forward to seeing you all there.
One of the highlights of the conference will be the keynote address by internationally-renowned trade marketing guru Gus Hobson. (22) his presentation, you will all have the opportunity to speak to him during our open Question and Answer Forum. In addition, there will be a number of other stimulating talks.
I (23) a full copy of the program for your interest, outlining all session times and breaks. Please take the time to look over these details as soon as you can.
Tom Evans
Conference Manager
What kinds of people often give drugs
to their children Where in the world do people take drug before going to work
The answers are simple—ordinary people, just about{{U}} (26) {{/U}}.
And the drug{{U}} (27) {{/U}}question is caffeine. Scientists estimate that over 70% of the world’s population takes caffeine daily. {{U}} (28) {{/U}}drink it in tea and coffee. Children drink in tin Coca Cola and{{U}} (29) {{/U}}soft drinks. It is also found in chocolate.{{U}} (30) {{/U}}, most people in the most places at any time are under the{{U}} (31) {{/U}}of the drug. There have been many scientific investigations{{U}} (32) {{/U}}the exact effects of caffeine. Most people agree that it{{U}} (33) {{/U}}the nervous system and helps the body make efficient use of energy. This is why many people{{U}} (34) {{/U}}Asia drink tea with A. control B. impression C. influence D. effect [单选题]主断无法闭合期间,要检查主风管压力。当主风管压力低于()时,每次升弓时间不能超过10分钟,否则会触发软件保护而锁闭受电弓,一旦锁闭,等到90分钟后才能解锁
A.700kpa B.600kpa C.680kpa D.36000kpa [判断题]用万用表测量电阻时,测量前和改变欧姆档位后都必须进行一次欧姆调零。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [判断题]家庭养殖等不以土地为主要生产资料的农业生产活动可划为私有经济。
[单选题]GYK目视行车模式周期报警:当运行( )时,GYK发出语音报警,按【警惕】键,距离及时间计数清0,继续走行150m或经过30s后再次报警。如果司机在轨道车运行200m或40s以内不按【警惕】键,限速变为0km/h,输出紧急制动,停车后按压【缓解】键,重新生成模式限速曲线。
A.150m或经过30s B.180m或经过30s C.150m或经过35s D.180m或经过35s [多选题]下列统计指标中,不属于时期指标的有( )
A.产品产量 B.年末人口数 C.人均国内生产总值 D.能源消费总量 E.财政收入 [单项选择]()主管本行政区域内的药品不良反应报告和监测工作。
A. 国家食品药品监督管理总局 B. 各级卫生行政部门 C. 地方各级药品监督管理部门 D. 国家 [单项选择]坚持唯物史观的学习方法是指()
A. 学习医学伦理学必须做到理论与实践相结合 B. 系统地学习医学伦理学的基本理论、范畴、规范和原则 C. 把医德观点和医德规范准则放在所处的历史时代去理解 D. 把历史上的一切医德理论和规范都继承下来 E. 把医学伦理学的一切理论、道德原则和规范都背诵下来 [多选题]材料设备采购按标的物的特点可以分为( )。
A.买卖合同 B.租赁合同 C.劳务合同 D.加工承揽合同 E.融资租赁合同 [单选题]跨越架架体的强度,应能在()时承受冲击荷载。
A.展放导引绳 B.展放牵引绳 C.发生断线或跑线 D.紧线 E.略 F.略 [单选题]发生CO.H2S中毒事故后抢救人员必须配戴()进入现场实施抢救。
A.安全帽 B.正压式的空气呼吸器 C.手套 D.防爆手电 [填空题]我县建立( ) 公路交通网络,打通城镇“断头路”,推动农村客运班线公交化进程。
[多选题]用湿粘土、红粘土和中、弱膨胀土作为填料直接填筑时,应符合( )。
A.液限在40%~70%之间、塑性指数在18~26之间 B.液限大于50%、塑性指数大于26 C.采用湿土法制作试件,试件的CBR值满足规范的规定 D.不得作为二级及二级以上公路路床、零填及挖方路基0~0.80m范围内的填料 E.不得作为三、四级公路上路床、零填及挖方路基0~0.30m范围内的填料 [判断题]《广西农村合作金融机构员工违法违规行为处理办法》(桂农信发〔2018〕30号) 对违法违规人员的纪律处罚方式包括警告、记过、记大过、离岗清收、撤职等。
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]在电气化区段清除危石,进行爆破作业时,()。
A.应有供电部门人员配合 B.有碍接触网及行车安全时,应先停电后作业。 C.应有电务部门人员配合 D.有碍接触网及行车安全时,无需停电 [单选题]636 二极管的导电特性是()导电。
A. 三向 B. 双向 C. 单向 [单选题]下列几种燃气,哪些不属于天然气范畴?( )
A.气井气 B.油田伴生气 C.油制气 D.矿井瓦斯气 我来回答: 提交