Music comes in many forms; most countries have a
style of their own. {{U}} (56) {{/U}}the turn of the century when jazz
was born, America had no prominent {{U}} (57) {{/U}}of its own. No one
knows exactly when jazz was {{U}} (58) {{/U}}, or by whom. But it began
to be {{U}} (59) {{/U}}in the early 1900s. Jazz is America’s contribution
to {{U}} (60) {{/U}}music. In contrast to classical music, which
{{U}} (61) {{/U}}formal European traditions, jazz is spontaneous and free
form. It bubbles with energy, {{U}} (62) {{/U}}the moods, interests, and
emotions of the p A. as B. so C. either D. neither [单项选择]Human sympathy (62) whales is only natural of all the creatures in the sea. (63) are closer relatives to us than these warm-blooded mammals. And how they got into the sea is one of the most fascinating stories of (64) Most authorities believe that 60 million years ago ancestors of modern whales were four-legged, wolf-size animals living on the sea shores, (65) an abundance of fish and shrimp tempted them to try wading. (63) 10 to 15 million years, their bodies grew, forelegs shrank into flippers used for balance and steering and hind legs disappeared. As a result of some amazing transformations, they are now helpless on land. If stranded on a beach, they can barely breathe.
With abundant (67) of food, whales grew into the largest creatures that lived, (68) larger than dinosaurs. A blue whale can grow to 100 feet. Its tongue is ten feet thick and heavier than an elephant. Some arteries are big enough for A. Despite with B. Despite C. Despite for D. Despite from [单项选择]某项工作,若甲单独做需40天完成,乙单独做需24天完成,如果乙先做12天,再由甲去完成,问甲还要做几天可以完成全部工作()
A. 13 B. 20 C. 14 D. 18 [单选题]《国家电网有限公司关于进一步加大安全生产违章惩处力度的通知》(国家电网安监〔2022〕106号),文件要求发现违章后,要严格执行公司()有关规定,并采取下列措施。
A.安全生产反违章工作管理办法 B.国家电网公司安全工作规定 C.国家电网有限公司安全准入工作规范(试行) D.安全工作奖惩规定 [单项选择]用频谱多普勒测肺动脉高压的肺动脉血流有什么特点()。
A. 血流加速时间及射血时间延长(AT、ET),射血前时间延长(PEP) B. AT、PEP延长,ET缩短 C. 血流加速时间及射血时间缩短(AT、ET),射血前时间延长(PEP) D. AT、ET、PEP均缩短 E. AT、ET无变化,PEP延长 [单选题] 李某,男性,39岁。因车祸发生脾破裂,急诊入院。T 36.4℃,BP 70/52mmHg,P 100/min,R 26/min 。患者口渴,皮肤苍白,四肢湿冷,烦躁不安。该病人的休克指数为
A.< 0.5 B.0.5~1.0 C.1.0~1.5 D.1.5~2.0 E.>2.0 [判断题]内江猪主产于四川省内江市,在国内分布很广,被毛黑色,体型属于大型品种。
[单选题]既有线桥梁的承载能力用( )来表示。
A.桥梁检定承载系数 B.运行活载系数 C.冲击系数 D.静活载 [多选题]该系统中每辆车上设有四个风缸,其中包括一个( )的总风缸,一个的空气悬架系统( )空气弹簧风缸,一个()的制动储风缸和一个50L的客室风动门风缸。
A. 250L B. 100L C. 50L D. 200L [判断题]发电机运行时,先将激磁电流置于最大值,运转正常后缓慢加大激磁电压至额定电压,然后再逐步增加负荷。从半负荷增至满负荷,一般不少于10分钟。
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]伊朗外交部发言人哈提卜扎德30日表示,伊朗核问题全面协议经联合国安理会第2231号决议核可,绝不可以重新谈判,其参与方明确且不可更改。法国总统马克龙日前表示,任何对于伊核协议的新谈判都将非常“严格”且应让()参与。
A.沙特阿拉伯 B.加拿大 C.澳大利亚 D.伊拉克 [单项选择]在体内能分解为β-氨基异丁酸的核苷酸是()
A. AMP B. CMP C. TMP D. UMP E. IMP 我来回答: 提交