Drug Reactions--a Major Cause of
Death Adverse drug reactions may cause the deaths of over 100,000 US hospital patients each year, making them a leading cause of death nationwide, according to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association. "The incidence of serious and fatal adverse drug reactions (ADRs) in US hospitals was found to be extremely high. " say researchers at the University of Toronto in Ontario, Canada. They carried on an analysis of 39 ADR-related studies at US hospitals over the past 30 years and defined an ADR as "any harmful, unintended, and undesired effect of a drug which occurs at doses used in humans for prevention, diagnosis, or therapy. " An average 6.7% of all hospitalized patients experience an ADR every year, according to the re A. ADRs have caused medical problems, though they seldom lead to death B. ADRs have very often caused patients to die in Canada C. ADRs have caused many deaths in America over the past 30 years D. it is easy to prevent ADRs from happening [多选题]下列属于劳动者的休息休假的是( )。
A.工作间隙休息 B.缩短工作日 C.日休息 D.法定节假日 [单项选择]CPU执行指令时,先要根据(1)将指令从内存读取出并送入(2),然后译码并执行。 空白(2)处应选择()
A. 程序计数器 B. 指令寄存器 C. 地址寄存器 D. 数据寄存器 [单选题]( )是高处作业中最常见的事故。
A.触电 B.坠落 C.坠物 [单选题]单选题:车站公共区起火,使用就近灭火器尝试性灭火,若现场浓烟能见度 5 米以外应穿戴( )。
A.过滤式消防自救呼吸器 B.空气呼吸器 C.灭火防护服 D.3M口罩 [单选题]简略试验:在列车最后一辆车尾部制动软管上安装无线风压监测仪,确认列车管压力达到规定后,通知机车乘务员减压( )kPa。
A.50 B.100 C.140 D.170 [单选题]治疗风湿性心肌炎的首选药是
A.阿司匹林 B.消炎痛 C.维体舒 D.布洛芬 E.肾上腺皮质激素 [单项选择]下列不属于干粉灭火系统干粉炮调试试验判定要求的是()。
A. 联动试验按设计的每个联动单元进行喷射试验时,其结果符合设计要求 B. 无线遥控装置的遥控距离符合设计要求 C. 有反馈信号的电动阀门反馈信号准确、可靠 D. 装有现场手动按钮的干粉炮灭火系统,现场手动按钮所控制的相应联动单元全部调试 我来回答: 提交