Man cannot continue {{U}} (26)
{{/U}}his numbers {{U}} (27) {{/U}} the present rate. In the
{{U}} (28) {{/U}} thirty years man will face a period of crisis.
{{U}} (29) {{/U}} experts believe that there will be a widespread food
{{U}} (30) {{/U}} Other experts think this is {{U}} (31) {{/U}}
pessimistic, and that man can keep things {{U}} (32) {{/U}} worse than
they are now. But {{U}} (33) {{/U}} that two thirds of the people in the
world are undernourished or starving now. One thing that man can do is to limit
{{U}} (34) {{/U}} of babies born. The need {{U}} (35) {{/U}} this
is obvious, but it is not easy to achieve. People have to {{U}} (36)
{{/U}} to limit their families. In the countries of the population
{{U}} (37) {{/U}} ,many people like big families. The parents think that
this {{U}} (38) {{/U}} a bigger income for the family A. Any B. Some C. More D. All [单选题] 某社区护士向主管护士咨询,按健康需要的优先顺序来排列所制定的社区护理计划时,首先应该注意的是
A.健康政策与目标 B.解决问题的快速性与其持续的效果 C.问题的严重性 D.可利用的资源 E.预防的效果 [多项选择]机械行业的主要产品包括农业机械、重型矿山机械、工程机械、石油化工机械、电工机械、机床、汽车、仪器仪表等12类。其中机床包括()。
A. 冶金机械 B. 装卸机械 C. 锻压机械 D. 铸造机械 E. 木工机械 [判断题]MAXIEZ贯通门时,填写主操纵箱默认配置前后门各一个操纵箱
( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题] 属于长效M胆碱受体阻断剂的平喘药是
A.沙美特罗 B.沙丁胺醇 C.多索茶碱 D.布地奈德 E.噻托溴铵 [判断题]丁某经常放任他养的两条狗在小区内随地大小便,对劝阻的居民还进行放狗恐吓。其行为属于妨害社会管理的行为。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [单选题]喷油器喷油压力过低,柴油机( )。
A.起动顺利 B.起动困难 C.节约燃料 D.过热 [单项选择]肘关节的功能位是()。
A. 0°位 B. 30°位 C. 60°位 D. 90°位 E. 120°位 [单选题]遇( )及以上大风、雷暴雨天气,不准从事高处作业。
A.6级 B.5级 C.4级 D.3级 我来回答: 提交